Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thesis Belonging Essay Example

Thesis Belonging Essay Thesis Statements for Belonging RBelonging can be created, supported or broken by RELATIONSHIPS UOnly through UNDERSTANDING can an individual, group or community find a connection. GJUDGEMENTS or choices that individuals make may create or destroy a sense of belonging. An individual may choose whether to/or not to belong. BIndividuals (or a group) may encounter BARRIERS to belonging IAn individual’s (or collective) IDENTITY and self-perception may develop through the process of belonging. Only the individual can determine whether or not he/she belongs and this will in turn shape a sense of self. PBelonging is a PERCEPTION. Perceptions shape the way that an author, character or responder may feel in relation to belonging. It is important to remember that context shapes perception. An individual or group may feel that they belong to a PLACE or landscape. AATTITUDES about belonging may evolve and change over time IINDIVIDUALITY. Each unique individual has the potential to enrich the community and foster a greater sense of belonging. An individual may belong to an IDEA or IDEOLOGY including religious, political or cultural ideologies. NBelonging may be understood as an instinctive NEEDof humanity Examples Our individual identity is greatly constructed by how others perceive us. As members of society we all actively desire the respect, and friendship of our peers. An individual’s fear of alienation can lead them to think or act in ways that are not true to their ideology. Belonging to a social group builds character and identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Belonging specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Belonging specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Belonging specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Contrastingly, alienation forces one to ask why they are alone and thus the strength of identity is challenged. To truly belong to a group one must surrender all conflicting thoughts and ideologies. As social group, along with your family, dictates the morals you come to respect. These greatly impact who you are. Alienation does not make us stronger, all it achieves is a disconcerting feeling of being unwanted and rejected. Throughout childhood and adolescence, we observe our parents and peers morals and ideologies, and use this to construct identity. The community surrounding you impacts your opinion of selfhood, consequently moulding your identity. Being educated on your family’s past wrong doings, can lead to you developing a strong sense of identity that purposefully avoids repeating such errors. An individual who is a member of a social group has a greater chance of maintaining their individuality. This is in contrast to an alienated and disconnected person. When in a similar social group, an individual’s identity is perceived as stronger. A strong sense of identity is dependant on family and social standing in the community. A sense of identity depends on social interaction within family and community members. John’s sense of identity is dependant on his perception of the group to which he belongs; the police force. When people don’t belong to a group, they have difficulty in establishing a sense of self. Belonging to a family strengthens the belief you have in who you are and what you stand for. Identity is made up of the people surrounding you. In order to have an identity, one must first belong to a group.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Recognize the Signs of Burnout and Stay on Fire

How to Recognize the Signs of Burnout and Stay on Fire Don’t be the one who face-plants on the conference table because you failed to see the signs of your own exhaustion- or start to hate your job because you need a break badly, but never thought to take one. Get your energy and motivation back before you’re totally overwhelmed. Keep an eye out for these symptoms, learn to recognize them, and prepare yourself to stave off burn-out before it burns you.1. DisaffectionYou’re getting snarkier and more sarcastic with every passing meeting. Little things you would have shrugged off last year are suddenly sticking in your craw. A few eye-rolls at the absurdity of corporate speak are fine, but if you’re catching yourself venting your annoyance more frequently than usual, that might be a sign you’re almost at the breaking point.2. FatigueYou’re not just sleepy after the spaghetti you ate for lunch. You’re sleepy all the time. You wake up tired, get to the desk tired, go home too pooped to enjoy yo urself. You’re never â€Å"in the zone† anymore.3. StagnationYou’re not getting any pleasure out of minor victories or completed projects. You feel like you’re working tirelessly, but nothing seems to go anywhere.4. BoredomYou’ve got a billion tasks on your to-do list and projects on your plate, but you just can’t get past the boredom. You have a hard time engaging with your work.5. ProcrastinationWell, more procrastination than normal. Procrastination can actually be productive. But if you’re catching yourself not working more than you’re concentrating on your work, this may be a sign that you need a breather.6. Mystery Ailments and/or StressYou have a sudden onset of medically unexplainable headaches, stomach aches, or insomnia. The doctors say you’re fine, but you feel terrible. Often these symptoms can be stress-related- your body telling your brain you need a break!  These aren’t the only signs you might be close to burn-out, but they’re a good start. Do yourself a favor and take a step back to evaluate. Take stock of which parts of your job are satisfying or annoying- what tasks you like and what is causing you stress. Take a bigger look at whether you’re on track, not just in your job, but in your career. See if there are any steps you can take to be more engaged.Then, implement a plan for change. But don’t forget to take some time off first! You’ll need the extra energy to push you through. Schedule a vacation, take a few more breaks per day, delegate tasks that aren’t holding your attention, and try and focus on the parts of the job that you still love.It’s possible to work hard and relax hard; you just have to plan ahead.How to Recognize the Signs of Burnout Before You’re Burned Out