Saturday, May 23, 2020

Infernal Love and Faith - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1766 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Dante's Inferno Essay Did you like this example? Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human Existence. Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell (Blake 69). When he had spoken: I beheld the Angel who stretched out his arms embracing the flame of fire he was consumed and arose as Elijah. Note. This Angel, who is now the Devil, is my particular friend; we often read the Bible together in its infernal or diabolical sense which the world shall have if they behave well (Blake 80). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Infernal Love and Faith" essay for you Create order Both passages present a mediocre but apt comparison to what Blake is poignantly attempting to demonstrate in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. In the first passage, he tries to create a complex idea, one which creates relations between things. He portrays good as passive, good is also reason and heaven. However, evil, active, energy and hell are more or less not interchangeable, but synonymous. The next passage embodies the complexity of the first one, but presents the Devil as a figure that does not suppress his energy or divinity, but rather, embraces the message of the Body and Soul, by intertwining it with Love and Sex, and Desire and Reason. Blake deploys the language of contradiction, presenting angels with a negative and devil-like connotation to demonstrate the law of human development. Subjectively, the words in the text break in the middle of the line, creating a caesura, hence, slowing down movements at different intervals to emphasize meaning, or fasten a phrase to initiate more weight. He states, Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction is Repulsion (69), it is already established that Blake sporadically creates a fracture of sorts within this sentence. By separating both lines with a pause, he possibly attempts to create an ominous, or rather dramatic effect in the minds of the readers. In a larger context, interposing the informal and irregular patterns of the lines prevent metrical monotony and emphasizes more meaning. Perhaps, this could be a vivid illustration of the contraries Blake is attempting to demonstrate in this section. Just like in the Songs of Innocence, life is full of joy and pleasure, b ut within those virtues ensue illiteracy and naivete. While the Songs of Experience has established a social reality, Blake is depicting through these contraries of Attraction and Repulsion / Heaven and Hell, that Energy and Reason repulse one another because they are not a unified purpose. While energy encompasses one end of the spectrum, Reason seeks another, thereby forming attraction. In essence, Blake demonstrates that Energy and Reason can simultaneously oppose one another, while working for the same purpose. Heaven and Hell serve as an extension of each other; they are both an interwoven part of the human existence. While Blake might seemingly be phrasing these in religious terms, the opposition he might be referring to could possibly date back to the hierarchical philosophy and belief that reason remains on top (Heaven), while passion below (Hell). He is calling for a dynamic union of these oppositions that are necessary to exist within mankind. The speaker adopts the voice of the Devil which prompts the reader to question whether or not to trust these call for inactions. It prompts one to assume whether this voice is viable and valid in their own rights, or if the readers should refute or debate the legitimacy of his ideas. While the first passage seems to portray the intersectionality between Heaven and Hell, and the Angel and Devil, the second passage brings about the beginning of rapprochement between Blakes Devil and Angel. To vividly demonstrate this, he forces the readers to imagine the momentary surge of emotions that could possibly erupt when attempting to fuse Heaven and Hell together. He states, I beheld the Angel who stretched out his arms embracing the flame of fire he was consumed and arose as Elijah (80). This initiative is sparked by the devil as he emerges from the flame of fire and summons all infernal energies to challenge and assert power towards the Angels dogma. This vividly parallels the battle betwee n the Angels and the Devil in Miltons Paradise Lost, where the devil and his companions were inadvertently ludicrous to believe they could possibly overthrow their creator. Referring back to Blakes initial statement that Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence (34), he implies that the heavenly contraries which are represented by the angels have been completely dominated by the hellish contraries- the devil, therefore transforming the Angel into a Devil. This metaphorical equivalent of an angel transforming into a devil could perhaps be alluding to the state of mind of the readers. By following the transitional voice and tone of the devil all along, the readers are all consumed in his seductive trance, or even possibly succumbed to his voice of sex, lust and energy. Otherworldly, the transformation of the angel into a devil suggests a biblical allusion to the meaning of marriage, in which two become one flesh. The intersection of these two souls, and minds into one body attacks the Orthodox position of Marriage, perhaps it seems to consequently argue that by the fusion of the angel and devils souls, evil has been transformed into good. Figuratively, Blake seems to be refusing the idea that good and evil should be seen as separate, independent contraries, and instead seems to suggest a dynamic in which one contrary (evil) is transformed into and subsumed by its opposite. He abjectly uses a repetitive rhetoric to display the adverse and reticulate meanings behind some of his ambiguous claims. He states, Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell (69). The phrases Good and Evil are constantly repeated at different intervals in the text, as well as ?reason and energy. Blake demonstra tes that while both phrases are contrary, they do not negate one another. Hence, as long as reason and good are transparent virtues, they will continue to reveal rather than hinder the divinity of mankind. The line, If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, infinite (72), demonstrates how Blake seems to refrain from laying emphasis on the nature of mankind as being infinite, but rather, demonstrating a contrast between a fallen vision and a heavenly one. While the Angel sought to impose he idea of hell upon the narrator, the narrator subconsciously was bound to hell. However, as soon as the angel was no longer there to impose this reality, this idea no longer existed. Readers are forced to think that the idea of heaven and hell are just manifestations of the desires of the believers (people who think that heaven and hell exists), hence, it is once again a controversial idea. Blake then shifts his conceptual argument to the idea of vanity. He goes on to compare Angels to vain creatures who speak wisely of only themselves, he states, I have always found that angels have the vanity to speak of themselves as the only wise; this they do with a confident insolences sprouting from systematic reasoning (79). He criticizes the analogies of Swedenborg and Behmen, questioning their ideas on contraries. Although Behmens analogies are close, if not the same as the one Blake advocates in The Marriage. Basically, the idea of seeing greatness in man kind as the best way to win Gods heart demonstrates that if Jesus Christ is the greatest man, one ought to love him in the greatest degree- of course this opinion is refutable in other religious stances, and could possibly be seen as heresy. In a Christian sense, the readers are forced to acknowledge that Blake could possibly be alluding that any faith worth having, has to be one that can withstand a challenge. Blake goes on to provide the readers with a long list of ideas, referencing a potential revolution, possibly a revelation that would be freeing from the shackles of expectation. He concludes with a very subtle line which is reminiscent of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge, stating, For everything that lives is holy (82), depicting the idea that without contraries, there is no progression. This phrase reveals the underlying meanings embedded in the previous passages. The reader now has the ability to grasp and understand that everything that lives is holy, nothing is necessarily better than the other, and this includes darkness, evil and sin. Furthermore this unique work embodies the searching critique of ideas and yet, it builds on them. Both passages present the work is a medley of numerous forms, from poetry to proverbs, satiric narratives, parodies of other writers and even allusions to contemporary people. Referring back to the cover image if this poem, it shows at the top, pairs of lovers sitting under some leafless trees, in a very calm yet colorless mode. Underneath them, there are fierce flames blazing upwards, with two figures positioned in a very twisted position (possibly alluding to the confusion of mankind). By gazing at this image, the readers are forced to picture heaven in a higher position compared to Hell. Blakes idea however, forces one to rethink the entire symbolism that heaven and hell have represented. Supposedly, the blazing flames below may not be bad after all. While Blake is deliberately rehabilitating the satanic (the pride of the devil which prompted his fall from heaven), he does not advocate for cruelty but rather invokes through the monotonous effects of his words that energy and conflict are fundamental to human existence. The body should be seen as a site to no longer imply an opposition between body and mind or body and soul, but instead a dynamic interaction, possibly a marriage of reason and energy. Hence, Blake does infact agree that the human mind is embedded with self-condemnation and repression, and rather, encourages readers to explore beyond the restrictive boundaries of good and evil. To further Blakes analogy of the society and the self, versus the psychology of the mind and the self, his poem, London from the Songs of Experience, epitomizes the same thing if the passages were to be explicated in a political sense. In London, he highlights the way in which the society was forged through the placement of the privileged, re ferring to them as mind-forged manacles (41). This analogy is necessary when explicating Blakes true message in the Marriage of Heaven and Hell because it is indeed the repressed mind, and suppressed self that restricts individuals from achieving a breakthrough and recreating the meaning of his/her life.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Analysis Of The Play Othello - 1119 Words

The play â€Å"Othello†, by William Shakespeare and film adaption by Oliver parker explores the idea of how an individual’s sense of identity affects their actions and how this can be manipulated to create conflict. Shakespeare uses techniques such as soliloquies, dramatic irony, imagery, foreshadowing, and symbolism to show us how tragedy occurs from counteracting to patriarchal rules and stereotypes. Identity is a very key, important thematic issue in William Shakespeare s tragic play, â€Å"Othello†. Identity, or what may be better explained as a character s public perception, is highly valued in the Elizabethan Age in which Othello is set. There is a varying range between the characters in the extent that how they are perceived in public is not how they behave in private or how they really are, thus creating more than one identity per character. A character s identity is the overall essence of that character, however, in plays such as Shakespeare s there must always be an element of tragic flaw to the play thus creating conflict. The definition for conflict is â€Å"a state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war. Opposition between characters or forces in a work of drama or fiction, especially opposition that motivates or shapes the action of the plot.† There are many ways in which this definition is represented in ‘Othello’. The main conf licts in ‘Othello’ are between friends and foes, Othello’s inner conflict, and cultural and racial differences, which lead toShow MoreRelatedTragic Hero in Othelo by William Shakespeare996 Words   |  4 PagesConventions of Othello Shakespeare has been a part of the American Society for many years. Compared to other Authors, he has a different style of writing but within his own writings, they are all very much alike. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Porter Free Essays

Michael five forces model Rivalry among competing Firms: this is usually the most powerful of the five competitive forces. The strategies pursued by one firm can be successful only to the extent that they provide competitive advantage over the strategies of other firms (Grobler 2009) ? Due to China’s incredibly high FDI rate, more and more companies are investing into Chinese businesses and strengthening them in both their domestic markets and also on the global front. With the ever increasing growth of their domestic markets it will only be a short while before they become the dominant market leader, if in this span of 30 years they could rise from nothing to 4th largest in the world then it shows what impact they really had and still have on the global economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Porter or any similar topic only for you Order Now Potential entry of new competitors: whenever new firms can easily enter a particular industry, the intensity of competitiveness among firm’s increases. ?When new firms become strengthened through investments, they become direct competitors of the leaders in that industry. . g. A new Chinese innovation in the television industry grows rapidly, they will be direct competitors against any television firms based in China, for example LG and Sony Bargaining power of consumers: when consumers are concentrated, large or buy in volume their bargaining power represents a major force affecting intensity of competition in an industry (Grobler 2009) ? This goes for actual customers(public) and b2b businesses, because those that buy the larger quantities would get the cheaper rates no doubt, however in China how will that be decided? Will it be their size, market share, sales or Return on capital employed. Potential development of substitute products: in many industries firms are in close competition with producers of substitute products in other industries. ?As mentioned throughout this article, the Chinese have the ability to imitate anything, this factor will never disappear especially if Chinese firms enter European or American markets, how those manufacturers would react to the Chinese developments are unimaginable. Bargaining power of suppliers: the bargaining power of suppliers affects the intensity of completion in an industry, especially when there are large number of suppliers, when there are only a few good substitutes’ raw materials or when cost of switching materials is especially costly (Grobler 2009) Porter’s five forces will only be effective if it is done in a stable environment, it is done to see how attractive the industry is and if it is worth starting a new venture in that environment. Porter’s generic strategies †¢Cost leadership †¢Differentiation †¢Focus Cost leadership: Cost leadership means having the lowest per-unit (i. . , average) cost in the industry that is, lowest cost relative to your rivals. This could mean having the lowest per unit cost among rivals in highly competitive industries, in which case returns or profits will be low but however higher than competitors Or, this could mean having lowest cost among a few rivals where each firm enjoys pricing power and high profits Notice that cost leadership is defined independently of market structure. Differentiation: Differentiating the product offering of a firm means creating something that is perceived industry wide as being unique. It is a means of creating your own market to some extent. There are several approaches to differentiation: †¢Different design †¢Brand image †¢Number of features †¢New technology A differentiation strategy may mean differentiating along 2 or more of these dimensions. Focus: Here we focus on a particular buyer group, product segment, or geographical market. while low cost and differentiation are aimed at achieving their objectives industry wide, the focus or niche strategy is built on serving a particular target (customer, product, or location) very well. Note, however, hat a focus strategy means achieving either a low cost advantage or differentiation in a narrow part of the market. For reasons discussed above, this creates a defendable position within that part of the market. Risks of doing generic strategies Cost leadership †¢Requires continual capital investment because newer innovations cause older creations to become obsolete. †¢When focusing solely on making affordable low cost products, it can cause firms to be blinded to product changes that are needed. Ie. Quantity over quality †¢When costs do begin to increase it narrows the differences between competitors and advantage is ultimately lost For China, the main risk that would affect them the most is when focusing solely on quantity, especially because of their expertise in manufacturing they could lose sight of changes that need to be done to better sales. However, China does have the leading number of RD departments, even though they might not be as innovative as the Japanese or South Koreans, they have the ability to imitate anything they produce which is why they play a major role in globalization, they can imitate anything except fresh air as they say. Differentiation Customer loyalty becomes too large to hold because of the cost differentiation between low cost firms and differentiating firms. †¢The consumer or buyer’s need to differentiate falls away because of price increases. †¢Imitation decreases perceived differentiation This area is where China are dominant, because they have the influence of causing differentiation to fail, because if the product looks the same, and does the same thing, then why would they ever go for the more expensive, and thus Chinese markets prosper because economies of scale have brought their price down dramatically. This is also when manufacturers have to start looking for alternative suppliers because they now have to compete with China which is not an easy task, and in doing so, it almost definitely forces them to go global. Focus †¢When companies market to niches only they already take the risk of not completely satisfying a demographic segment and with other companies finding alternatives ways to better their market share eg. FDI or RD labs, they face the risk of dissolving. On its own focus strategy’s should not be attempted by almost any kind of company, its main purpose is to satisfy a small group of consumers at a time, and if this is not the aim of the business then they are going to fall extremely short on their company vision. Books Grobler, W. (2009) Business strategy, CTI Education Group, Johannesburg. Johnson, G. scholes, K. Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring corporate strategy, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River. How to cite Porter, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Research Opportunities in Internal Control †

Question: Discuss about the Research Opportunities in Internal Control Quality. Answer: Introduction: Junior et al. (2014) opines that the chief objective of audit is to provide specialised along with independent opinion concerning annual accounts of the business concern to essentially shareholders of the firm. However, viewpoints of the assessor have the need to reflect true as well as fair view regarding financial position of the firm. Therefore, independence can be considered as the primary way through a specific auditor can undertake the activity in an objective manner. As rightly indicated by Soltani (2012), an assessor have the need to be independent from necessarily the client firm, in a bid to make it certain that the audit opinion does not get affected by any kind of relation in between the client and the auditor. Essentially, the auditor are expected to deliver a particular unbiased along with reliable opinion on diverse financial declarations to corresponding stakeholders. As rightly put forward by Cohen and Simnett (2014), services provided by different assessors of the audit firm that is essentially not within ambit of audit can be witnessed as non-audit service. However, non-audit service essentially comprises of diverse Management service, commendations related to tax supervision, suggestions for improvement of the complete business (Bell and Griffin 2012). Principally, non-audit services are assumed against definite amount of remuneration that are essentially added income otherwise non-economic advantage. Accordingly, provision of this kind of non-audit service might possibly damage the uniqueness as well as independency of the assessor. Another crucial concern of audit is safeguarding of quality of the whole procedure of audit together with diverse dealings of assessment that are frequently assessed as well as censured by varied stakeholders alongside controllers. Other than this, a new threat to mainly the independency of the assessor is the ris k associated to advocacy (ODwyer et al. 2011). This might possibly follow after the assessor boosts and promotes the clients business and set forth viewpoints that can raise questions regarding objectivity of the whole exercise (Kinney Jr 2012). Independency of the Auditors necessarily gets threatened at the time when the evaluator of any particular accounting firm accepts any type of monetary alongside non-monetary advantages that is not necessarily the fees for audit work that they have carried out (Arens 2011). Nonetheless, the reception of benefits that is not within the contract for engagement for the process of audit can certainly affect the overall independency of the evaluator. Relatives of assessors including parents alongside spouse and wards are regarded as the close affiliates of family. By itself, pecuniary concerns involves declaration about debt, numerous securities of both short and long term with varied entities, with varied other units otherwise by means of different intermediate linked units (Lindeberg 2011). Largely, in line with the current case study, father of the suggested accountant holds the position of financial controller in the company of the client. Thus, at the time when Michael delivers consensus regarding accepting the offer or else decide to be a part of a team of evaluators, specifically at that time it can assuredly hamper the individuality as well as independency of the evaluator. Simnett and Nugent (2011) opined that risks arise when there exists close linkages between auditor and diverse workforces, directors along with among other members of the company of the client. Specifically, in this kind of circumstances, the auditor might possibly have emotional involvement and unfairness with the client because of private connection with specific company of the client. However, in this particular case, individual association with essentially the clients leads to unwarrantable faith on the specific client of the accounting firm. By itself, this might possibly be the cause for improper illustration. Moreover, there is likelihood that inappropriate representation by the accountant might plausibly be affected since the evaluator remains acquainted with significant information on especially the business (Hass et al. 2016). The individual has operated with LTH before that is approximately a month ago and she is very much mindful of specific information concerning the cli ent firm. Fundamentally, she was carrying out different services that can be linked to tax enumeration and arrangement of important accounting entries precisely as on time period 30th June, 2015. Fundamentally, the auditor need not appraise the tasks that they themselves have carried out. Prevention to diverse threats to the process of audit Varied dimension that can be assumed for safeguarding independency of auditor and for overcoming the threats to essentially the procedure of evaluation are hereby stated below: Change of diverse audit partners Roebuck et al. (2011) asserts that the arrangement of alternation and rotation of different partners of audit help in the procedure of extermination of risk of familiarity alongside self-advantage. In particular, this can aid the entire process of safeguarding objectivity without even bearing substantial amount of cost. Institution of proficient committee for carrying out the work of audit Foundation of proficient committee for carrying out the work of audit can be regarded to be a crucial instrument that can help the procedure of preservation of independency of evaluators. Essentially, the recognised committee for assessment can also assist in mitigation of audit threats (Elliott et al. 2011). Maintenance of International consistency in consort with obligation for maintenance of independency Messier (2011) opines that independency of process of can be certainly protected by execution of dynamic as well as ethical principles explicitly, auditing theories and regulations, rules, directives along with specific ethical codes. Oversight of different autonomous auditor Assessor, who is incontestably independent can aid in retention of audit quality, control, adjust and contribute towards preservation of excellence as well as independence of audit (Elliott et al. 2011) Analytical assessment of risk associated to different spare parts of inventory Risk Management is essentially an important element of Management of primarily inventory of spare-parts. However, in the present situation, it can be hereby mentioned that almost all of the business concerns consider different facets of risk management. Elliott et al. (2011) asserts that diverse facets of proper handling of risk assist the procedure of assessment of risk and helps in supposition of vigorous steps for alleviation of risks in various firms. Nevertheless, this procedure of assessment essentially includes different risk of reputation, diverse threats that can be linked to safety and well-being of particularly health alongside definite commercial risk (Lindeberg 2011). Other than this, there are diverse downtime risk that might possibly happen and this can lead to considerable financial impairment. Basically, majority of business sections do not really allow for specific mechanism of engagement of technologies associated to control of risk of certain spare parts. Nonethel ess, there are essentially two diverse risk that can be related to buying of spare parts as well as equipment. Fundamentally, these risks that can be considered by Cramption and Hasad precisely during a certain planning period of audit are basically the operational risk and strategic risk. As rightly indicated by Simnett and Nugent (2011), strategic risk can be associated to proper organization as well as handling of inventory of spare parts. In actuality, the strategic risk essentially covers the way a business uses for handling of obtainable stock of diverse spare parts properties. Again, Management of specific business units might possibly choose to become ad-hoc. Also, this reflects the outlay on certain items, for example purchasing of diverse items, application of no official policy for administration of spare parts and informed managers for delivery of appropriate judgement on varied procedural arrangements (Roebuck et al. 2011). Nevertheless, operational risk of a firm cannot be related to functional downtime. In essence operational risk can be observed as a particular risk that is connected to a specific manner a particular process can be executed. Nevertheless, majority of the business concerns formulate and cultivate regulations for strategic management appropriately, but management of the business concerns might possibly find it challenging to execute the strategy effectually (Kinney Jr 2012). For example, trades might possibly execute an appropriate policy for drawing inferences associated to standardization. Mainly, business segments that cannot fittingly handle operational risk by apposite application of varied methods encounter complications in the process of inventory management. As rightly put forward by Soltani (2012), risks that can be related to specific strategic risk are basically inherent risk. In essence, this risk arises from material misstatements in diverse financial pronouncements of the corporation, imprecisions, errors as well as omission in different financial proclamations. Predominantly, this specific risks accordingly occurs owing to the outcome of various facets except definite control concerns. However, inherent risk occurs necessarily on account of material misstatement in varied financial pronouncements. In effect this threat stems the moment the nature of different business deal is complex. Varied corporate circumstances require the application of superior judgement for assorted financial projections together with approximations. So, insufficiency of appropriate procedure of judgement can lead to development of inherent risk. Principally, inherent risk influences account balance of specifically inventory, receivables of a specific busin ess entity (Bell and Griffin 2012). Other than this, this inherent risk also impacts definite accounting balances counting on diverse trade of a specific business. Similarly, risks connected to precise operational risk of a business can be witnessed as detection risk. Nonetheless, for detection risk, possibility remains that an evaluator might come across failure in essentially the procedure of recognition of material misstatement in diverse financial assertions (Arens 2011). Yet, detection risk are essentially predictable as soon as assessor does not implement appropriate measurements and while measures cannot be not appropriately applied. Additionally, this detection risk also exerts impact on accurate accounting balance and this sequentially, is not all the time evaluated by auditor. Primarily, the accounts that are prone to get affected by various arrangements as well as classifications of risks are certain accounts namely, purchase account, sales revenue as well as account of inventory. References Arens, A.A., 2011. Auditing and other assurance services. Pearson Prentice Hall. Bell, T.B. and Griffin, J.B., 2012. Commentary on auditing high-uncertainty fair value estimates. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory, 31(1), pp.147-155. Cohen, J.R. and Simnett, R., 2014. CSR and assurance services: A research agenda. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory, 34(1), pp.59-74. Elliott, M., Dawson, R. and Edwards, J., 2011. An improved process model for internal auditing. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(6), pp.552-565. Hass, S., Abdolmohammadi, M.J. and Burnaby, P., 2016. The Americas literature review on internal auditing. Managerial Auditing Journal, 21(8), pp.835-844. Junior, R.M., Best, P.J. and Cotter, J., 2014. Sustainability reporting and assurance: a historical analysis on a world-wide phenomenon. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(1), pp.1-11. Kinney Jr, W.R., 2012. Research opportunities in internal control quality and quality assurance. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory, 19(s-1), pp.83-90. Lindeberg, T., 2011. The ambiguous identity of auditing. Financial Accountability Management, 23(3), pp.337-350. Messier, W.F., JR.,(2011). Auditing Assurance Services, System Approach. ODwyer, B., Owen, D. and Unerman, J., 2011. Seeking legitimacy for new assurance forms: The case of assurance on sustainability reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36(1), pp.31-52. Roebuck, P., Simnett, R. and Ho, H.L., 2011. Understanding assurance services reports: A user perspective. Accounting Finance, 40(3), pp.211-232. Simnett, R. and Nugent, M., 2011. Developing an assurance standard for carbon emissions disclosures. Australian Accounting Review, 17(42), pp.37-47. Soltani, B., 2012. An introduction to auditing and assurance. Auditing: An international approach, 1, pp.1-26.