Saturday, August 31, 2019

Deer Hunting

Few deer live to be more than five years old because of hunting, vehicle accidents and predators. Deer are preyed upon by, wolves, bobcats, bears, coyotes, and humans. Deer hunting is the activity or sport of pursuing or chasing deer. It dates back to tens of thousands of years ago. Approximately one hundred people die in hunting accidents in the United States each year. Therefore, hunting deer is unsuccessful, unfair, pointless, unsafe, and should only be done if the deer will be eaten.Hunting can be very unnecessary especially when sport hunting. Studies show that 11 percent of deer who had been killed by hunters died only after being shot two or more times and that some wounded deer suffered for more than 15 minutes before fully passing away (â€Å"Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary†, par. 3). It causes the deer to go through great pain and suffering for no very urgent reason and for the sake of mere amusement. It may make you feel stronger, but there is still no re ason to kill innocent deer.What if you were that deer that had to go through all this misery just for your unintelligent, and sickening mistake? In addition, sport hunting causes destroyed properties and injured bystanders. In 2006, former Vice President Dick Cheney accidently shot a close friend while hunting quail on a canned hunting preserve. According to the Hunter Education Association, there are more than dozens and hundreds of deaths caused by hunting in the United States each year. Yet alone those number of deaths are deaths of humans (â€Å"Why hunting is Unnecessary 2†par. 16).This is an ongoing problem that we have to stop. Hunters seem to be unfamiliar with their firearms and do not have a sufficient amount of respect for the damage that they can do. Deer hunting can also be ineffective in more than one way. It is unsuccessful for trying to solve human/deer conflicts. Studies show that throughout hunting season hunters frighten the deer out of the woods and onto t he road increasing the number of car/deer collisions (Lin, Doris, par. 10). People should not bother trying to kill deer if the result would be winding up in a huge mess.If the deer goes onto the street then most likely both the deer and human would die or be seriously injured. Think about all that happened or would happen when going to hunt that deer down . The main reason that deer hunting is ineffective is because they believe that it helps with controlling the deer population. It really depends because if trophy hunting the deer then you would most likely kill the strong male deer or bucks. That wouldn’t help at all because the female deer are the ones who breed (Roos, Dave, par. ). Do not do anything violent or brainless if not urgently necessary in the situation. When extraordinary natural occurrences cause overpopulation, natural processes should work there way back to even out the group. Even though starvation and disease may be two of the tragic ways they may stabili ze although it happens naturally (â€Å"Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary†par. 9). Shooting deer because he or she might become sick or starve is unreasonable and is destructive.Those who support deer hunting believe that killing them stops all the problems that the deer cause. When hunting deer you will remove a few deer and prevent those from reproducing and prevent the deer from causing chaos on the street (Lin, Doris, and par. 5). Therefore the outcome will be less harmed people in car accidents. However, that is unnecessary because that means the other deer will have more food for themselves. Also, they would not have to fight other deer for food. Since they would have more food, they would be able to give more births to twins and triplets.That also means that the deer will normalize and give birth to fewer fawns when food is scarce (Lin, Doris, par. 10). Before going to hunt those poor creatures maybe you should think to yourself â€Å"Why kill these deer? â⠂¬  â€Å"Is there a reasonable reason? † â€Å"If so, is there better ways to solve this? † There is a better way to solve this, you can let the deer regulate themselves it might be painful but it is life. Killing does not resolve anything at all. It just makes the situation worse. People who believe killing deer helps, sad for you studies show it does not.Hunting deer is meaningless and disastrous in overpopulation and unjust to those who suffer. When citizens do this every single deer counts and will affect the future. â€Å"In which way will it affect the future? † It is not known at the moment all that is known is that we may still have the chance to make a difference in this struggling world that we live in today. However, if this continues without help from you, then believe it or not but deer will become endangered species, or worse extinct.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Descartes vs St Augustine Essay

To examine life, you must first determine existence . I will attempt to determine if their really is existence and then examine two of the most impostant factors in peoples lives; love and religion. Everyone has tried to come to a conclusion on what is love and whether their is a God and people have dedicated their lives to both of these subjects Their are an infinite number of ways of examining love and religion but none of them can be taken as fact and none of them can be guaranteed as false. In this paper, I will examine the ways that Rene Descartes and Saint Augustine examine their lives and what they feel makes their life worth living. In the Meditations, Descartes attempts to doubt everything that is possible to doubt. He is uncertain of the existence of many things from God and himself. Then he goes on to start proving that things do exist by first proving that he exists. After he establishes himself he can go on to establish everything else in the world. Next he goes to prove that the mind is separate then the body. In order to do this he must first prove he has a mind, and then prove that bodily things exist. I do agree with Descartes that the mind is separate from the body. These are the arguments that I agree with Descartes. In his six Meditations, only four contain his argument about corporeal things and establishing himself as a thinking creation. Meditations three and four discuss the existence of God and the matter of true and false. Concerning Meditation three, Descartes proves God’s existence and that He is not a deceiver, thereby allowing us to be sure that we are not deceived when we perceive things clearly and distinctly. The rest of the Meditations deal with him proving himself as a thinking thing and proving that the mind is separate from the body. In Descartes’ first meditation, he goes on to prove that nothing exists. He establishes that knowledge is built upon a foundation; each piece of knowledge rests upon some other part of knowledge. Over the course of ones life, a person establishes one piece of knowledge and builds upon that. Descartes goes on to doubt every particular set of knowledge he has. Descartes says that the most basic set of knowledge we have is our senses. He continues that the senses give us false information. For example, when we look at the sun, we cannot tell how big it is. The same is true for dreams. Senses appear to be real in dreams, but how can one tell whether or not we are dreaming or not. So if we can never determine we are dreaming or awake then we can’t rely on our senses. He believes that a supreme God has created us and has the power to deceive us. If God is perfect then he cannot deceive us. So we must assume that an evil demon is the source of our deceptions. Therefore Descartes has reason to deny the validity of his senses. From this, Descartes assumes if there is a deceiver and he can be deceived then he must exist. In general it will follow from any state of thinking, whether it be imagining, sensing, feeling, or reasoning, that he exists. Since he can only be certain of the existence of himself insofar as he is a thinking thing, then he has knowledge of his existence of only a thinking thing. After he has established himself as a thinking creation, he then goes on to argue that the mind is more certainly known then the body. He goes on to say that it is possible that all knowledge of external objects, including his body, could be false as the result of the actions of an evil demon. It is not, however, possible that he could be deceived about his existence or his nature as a thinking thing. This is true because if he can be deceived about anything, then he can be certain, as he is a thinking thing. Even corporeal objects, such as his body, are known much more distinctly through the mind than through the body. It seems that Descartes finds it necessary to first establish the existence of a non-deceiving God before he can be assured of the existence of anything beyond himself and his mode of thought. He does this by the rationalization that his perception of God is that of a perfect being. In order for a being to be perfect, it must exist. Since he himself is an imperfect being, he cannot conceive the idea of perfection on his own. Therefore, it must have come from some other faculty that must be perfect, which is God. It is after his proof of the existence of God that Descartes comes to accept that clear and distinct ideas can be trusted. Since he proved that God does exist he can says that God can bring anything into existence. But we also seem to know they exist through imagination, which seems to be â€Å"an application of the knowing faculty to a body intimately present to it, hence, a body that exists. † Now he attacks the notion of bodies existing. He says, â€Å"The way of thinking that I call ? sense’ give us a reason to think bodies exist? † Descartes attacks this the answer of this question in three ways: to repeat what was formerly believed and the grounds for them, to consider why they were brought into doubt, and to determine what must now be believed. He relies on the existence of a non-deceiving God to ensure that an external world exists after calling it into doubt by the invocation of the dream argument. In this argument, Descartes suggests the possibility that none of our ideas are caused by external objects and therefore, such objects may not exist. He also raises the idea of a demon that may deceive us and allow us to perceive what is not really there. Although he assures himself of his own existence by his modes of thought, he remains uncertain of the reality of an external world. He doubts whether there is anything of material substance that provokes thought within him rather than it being conceived in his mind completely independent of anything else. Regarding the first point, a long list of beliefs is given: my body, pleasurable effects, appetites, primary and secondary qualities, and different bodies. He then goes on to say that since it seemed impossible that they came from him, it remains that they came from other things, and the only kind that to his mind are those that resemble the ideas themselves. He also says the one’s own body seems in a privileged position, in that one can never separate one’s self from it, and it is the seat of appetites, feelings, pleasure and pain. There is no evident connection between feelings of hunger and the nourishment of bread. He says that he has only been taught by nature. Regarding the second point, Descartes advances the problem of â€Å"perceptual relativity†. That means the judgments of the external senses have deceived him and pains in amputated limbs deceive internal senses. There are two more reasons to consider why the statements in the pervious paragraph may be brought into doubt. He says that dreams fool him about the existence of external objects, waking states might as well. The second on is the he might have been made so as to be deceived. So he concludes that it is possible that there is some faculty in him that produces those perceptions. Regarding the third point, what God can make separately is different from something else. God can make what he clearly and distinctly understands, so if they can be separated in thought, they are distinct. Descartes says he is distinct from him his body because he thinks of himself as distinct from it. His essence is only as a thing that thinks and not as an extended thing. The last thing Descartes goes into is the argument for the distinction of mind and body and the existence of material objects. He starts off with the argument from knowledge. If he clearly and distinctly understands one thing as one thing as distinct from another it is so. He is also certain that he exists as a thinking thing, while he isn’t certain of the existence of his body. Therefore, he is a thinking thing and nothing else. His mind is distinct from his body. He is a thinking thing that thinks and not an extended thing. He has a distinct idea of body as an extended thing. Therefore, his mind is distinct from his body. The body is like a machine. The mind and body are distinct. Only the brain effects the mind, so all signals from the body must travel up into the brain. Signals travel to the brain from the periphery of our body by means of animal spirits, so the system is like a cord running to the brain, which can be pulled at any point along its length. Thus we can get signals in the brain that do not originate in our senses, but which we perceive as doing so. I agree with Descartes proofs of the mind being distinct from the body. He has convinced me with his arguments from above. He has shown that mind operates separately from the body. He proves this point when he talks about the phantom limb. He says that the senses can deceive him with pain from the phantom limb. The senses can deceive him where as his imagination is of intellect and knowledge. He has also stated that he is a thinking thing while he isn’t certain of the existence of the body. The mind and body do interact with the body in some ways. Descartes says that the mind imagines things; you see things in your mind. These things do not just come from anywhere. You get these images from your senses. Say if one sees something with their eyes. Then turns away and closes their eyes. The image is still there. Descartes Meditations does clearly show the distinction of mind and body. He proves himself as a thinking thing. A thinking thing something that can only think and is not associated with corporeal things. Since he knows that one thing is clearly distinct from another, he knows that the mind is clearly distinct form the body. The wax proves this point. Thinking is essence and the body is extension. If you mutate and move your body around it is going to change shape. Essence cannot be changed or mutated in any way. Augustine started out in childhood with a restless heart because he had to live in two different worlds. These worlds consisted of that of his mother’s religious faith, and the world of everything else. These two worlds confused and disturbed Augustine as a child. In his mother’s world, talk consisted of Christ the Savior and about the mighty god who helps us especially to go to heaven. In the other world, talk was about achieving. It seems as if Augustine felt that if he were to live in both of these worlds, his life would turn out to be nothing. He believed he would not accomplish anything he would be remembered for. He became unhappy with the idea of his life amounting to nothing. This is why Augustine turned to love. He felt that love might help him have a direct purpose in life and would help him through his conversion. Love should not be that of evil. Saint Augustine searched for the answer of a question that asked if love reaches out hopelessly and harmfully, how can it turn around to be productive and wholesome to the human soul? Love became a necessity for all people. For Augustine, the answer to this question was love. The first love must be for the love of God in Augustine’s mind. It must come before all other forms of love. Augustine finds many ways in which he can find peace in God. He is genuinely sorry for having turned away from God, the source of peace and happiness. Augustine is extremely thankful for having been given the opportunity to live with God. Augustine uses love as his gate to God’s grace. Throughout The Confessions, love and wisdom, the desire to love and be loved, and his love for his concubine, are all driving forces for Augustine’s desire to find peace in God. The death of his friend upsets him deeply, but also allows him to pursue God to become a faithful Christian. Augustine often experiences darkness, blindness, and confusion while attempting to find rest in God, but he knows that when he eventually finds him his restless heart will be saved. Despite all of the negative aspects of his education on which Augustine focused, it is obvious that his schooling was an essential part of his character. Other than Christianity, his education was the most important factor that shaped his early life. Augustine would have been a different man without this education, and without it his conversion would also have been different. His circuitous route to his final acceptance of God would have been far less significant were it not for this long and difficult intellectual struggle. It is clear that his education in rhetoric provided him with the skills necessary for shaping Confessions into a highly persuasive work. Confessions is not only a self-analysis, but also a testimony to the power of the Lord. Augustine wanted his readers to be fully convinced that the ultimate and only Truth was what he had discovered after his years of conflict between philosophy and faith. â€Å"I believe in order that I may understand,† said much about his attitude towards the relationship between faith and reason. Augustine’s decision of conversion was not easy for him. It came after a long time of thinking and soul searching. When Augustine made the decision to fully convert to Christianity in Book VIII, it was truly a â€Å"leap of faith. † He knew then that he had to leave part of his philosophical pursuits behind and commit himself fully to Christ. â€Å"For I felt that I was still the captive of my sins, and in my misery I kept crying ? How long shall I go on saying, â€Å"tomorrow, tomorrow†? Why not now? Why not make an end of my ugly sins at this moment? ‘† But, adhering to God as love’s priority proved a more extended way than he had imagined. It helped to shape his life, his mind and his beliefs. He never realized until now what a huge difference it makes in one’s life when it is opened up to love and love of Christ. The answer lies in God’s grace for Augustine. These answers are to his utmost difficult questions on life and faith. The subtle and cunning loves of the heart had defined Augustine’s journey from the first. At no time in his life had he been without love, but he had loved in scattered, hidden, and conflicting ways. He had loved Monica. He had loved the image and name of Christ, he even at one point loved evil which scared him. Augustine felt the need to redirect his love and this redirection would lead him in the way and light of God. Augustine seems to be dissatisfied with himself and his need for God. Through The Confessions he leaves himself and his past to praising God and loving him. Augustine hopes to teach others about that love which God placed in him that led him to an eternal relationship with God. All of Augustine’s loves in turn became love of Christ. Although Augustine might not have realized this, it is obviously true. At first he was redirecting his loves directly to Christ, but finally he realized all his love WAS for Christ. Augustine found a place in God that he had never imagined could happen. His guilty restless heart finally found rest in God. Augustine had always believed in God. Yet there is now a love and a passion behind this belief. His love was no longer blind. In fact now it was guided by his newfound feeling of self worth. He finds himself through all of this. His quest to know himself has come to a conclusion. His chooses to forgo the pleasure of sexual relationships and become celibate. Augustine feels that through his celibacy he will show God his efforts to lead a continent life. His love for God has grown and prospered much from his days of youth. Saints are usually looked at as God’s holiest servants, people who have centered their lives around God and the teaching of the Church. Saints are seen as if they are without sin. If these things are true then how does one explain the sainthood of Saint Augustine? Augustine in no way fits the traditional mold of a saint. Quite the contrary, his life was full of sin. People can find it very easy to sympathize with Augustine’s story because of his humanity. He does not place himself above anyone. He shows his life, as it was, a very confused and sinful life. But through his conversion he sets himself apart from the rest. Augustine was affected by many outside factors that lead to his change in a point of view. The outside forces drove Augustine to look inward and see what exactly he was made of. Whether positive or negative his theories of faith were reinforced. The result was a total change in a point of view bringing him closer to God. Friendship played a crucial role throughout all of Augustine’s life. He loved having friends, and he loved being people’s friend. Augustine was always concerned that his friendships were equal in nature. There was always a perfect balance between give and take. His friendships and other love relationships were vital in his conversion and his final evolution.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Baroque and Rococo Art Periods Essay

The Baroque Art era is classified by many as Early Baroque, High Baroque, and Late Baroque periods. The Rococo Art era is often said to be part of the Late Baroque period. The time frame of the Rococo era and whether it is one and the same as the Late Baroque period have been in debate through the years. Although the Baroque Art and the Rococo Art periods are sometimes classified as one in the same, they are actually quite distinct and unique. The Baroque Art period was between 1600 and the mid 1700’s, and originated during the Catholic Reformation in Rome, Italy, and quickly spread throughout most of Europe. During the late 1500’s, the Protestant reformation started to attack the Catholic Church on doctrine. In response to these attacks, the Catholic Pope started a movement within the church to reaffirm and spread Catholic beliefs. During this time, most people were uneducated and illiterate so the church had to devise a way to spread the gospel message so everyone wou ld understand. It was decided that the message would be spread through art. â€Å"This art was to be direct, emotionally persuasive, and powerful-designed to fire the spiritual imagination and inspire the viewer to greater piety. The church felt that God of greatness and power should be worshiped with the kinds of rituals, ceremonies, and churches befitting these divine qualities.† (McKay & McKay, 2010) So began the Baroque movement with it’s dramatic use of color in paintings and architecture that was forceful, emotional, and extravagant. The Rococo art period emerged in the mid-17th century as a continuation of the Baroque art period. â€Å"By the end of his seventy two-year reign Louis XIV led his country victoriously through numerous wars and France had long replaced Spain as the continental power. He is known in history as one of greatest French kings but also as a â€Å"micromanaging control freak.† (Zaky. n.d.) The Baroque style during his reign represented the Catholic faith and the monarchy with art that was â€Å"direct, obvious, and dramatic.† (McKay & McKay, 2010) Louis XIV was succeeded by Louis XV who reigned during the height of the â€Å"Age of Enlightenment† era, a time where attitudes and morals loosened. The enlightenment movement was in opposition to the established church, as it promoted thinking for oneself and not following a deity. The art of this time period centered around a carefree lifestyle rather than the symbols and rules of the church. It had â€Å"no place for morality, saints or heroes, painting were neither didactic nor devotional.† (Zaky. n.d.) The  art was meant to please the eye of the viewer with no real meaning behind it. The art also portrayed the everyday life, not just important moments in history. The Baroque art movement was stern and originated from the Catholic church wanting to spread religion. The Rococo art movement came about from the â€Å"Enlightenment† era where people wanted to think for themselves instead of being told what to think by the church or monarchy. The Baroque style â€Å"depicted heroism, martyrs, and biblical stories,† but Rococo painters showed themes of love, youth, and playfulness. (Zaky. n.d.) The Baroque artists used dark, stormy colors, whereas Rococo used light, soft opalescent colors. Baroque art was made to be seen and used as propaganda for the Catholic church, and the artwork and architecture was large and bold. The Rococo art was smaller in scale to be enjoyed by a person or family as a decoration. The change from the Baroque period to the Rococo period was significant in that it shows the transition of the society at that time. The Monarchy and C atholic Church were both under scrutiny for excessive spending and what people viewed as political tyranny. The change in attitude by the people not only affected the political environment but also the arts. Tired of oppression, they revolted politically by beheading King Louis XV and by changing the way they created and viewed art. The painting, â€Å"Descent from the Cross,† by Rembrandt is a classic example of the Baroque style. His use of dark colors and shadowing depicts the death of Christ and creates a dramatic scene. He uses light to reveal Christ’s body, Mary, and the cloth that he will be buried in. The painting depicts the religious scene so that the viewer can understand the significance of the event and contemplate its meaning. In contrast â€Å"The Swing,† by Jean-Honore Fragonard, is of a woman swinging carefree in a garden. Fragonard uses pastel colors and illuminates her from the surrounding trees. He places cherubs in the painting another characteristic of the Rococo style. This painting is interesting in that at first glance it seems that this is nothing more than an innocent day in the garden. Upon further inspection, one can see the way Fragonard was bold enough to mock the Baroque style and time period. The man sits at a place where he is able to see up the woman’s skirt as she swings above him symbolizing the free spirit and sexuality of the time. The servant is almost completely hidden, symbolizing the church no longer being as important in society. One area  of art from the Rococo period that is often overlooked is the furniture form of architecture. During this time period a shift was made from large and grand rooms to small, intimate, and personal spaces. The furniture was redesigned to reflect this change and the desire for comfort. The Bergà ¨re chair was designed with â€Å"cushioning in the seat and arms which made it comfortable and kept out drafts†. (Azzarito. n.d.) The painting, â€Å"A Reading of Moliere† by Jean Franà §ois De Troy, depicts this idea of comfort showing women lounging in the Bergere chairs. (Troy. 1728) The Bergà ¨re was â€Å"a favorite chair of the most fashionable women of the day† and is still one that is used in homes today making it a surprising example of a work of Rococo art that has survived through the years. (Azzarito, n.d.) The artists of the Rococo period experimented with color, light, and illusion, and mastered the technique of layering paints to make a object l ook opalescent in color. They created the sense of texture in their paintings, which was not done during the Baroque period. The artists of the Rococo art period mastered new techniques, giving important significance to the time period. Although the Baroque Art and the Rococo Art periods are sometimes classified as one in the same, they are distinct and unique.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The effects that globalization and technology on the job market Essay

The effects that globalization and technology on the job market - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Schumpeter’s article, â€Å"Angst for the educated†, talks about the new trends in the job market in relation to education. It has the notion that among people, education is the gate pass to a life of financial success and security in all parts of the world. This has made education, especially in the developed countries, to be highly regarded especially among the older generation. Most parents ensure that their children get university education because they believe that this is the way that they can increase the chance of getting a well-paying job.   Indeed, statistics show that educated people are expected to earn more money in their lifetime than their uneducated counterparts in the United States. The gap between the two keeps in increasing. There are now changes that are taking place the today world that is changing this. It is now emerging that this relationship between education and jobs is about to change due to n ew developments such as deregulation, globalization, and change in technology. The article highlights the effects that globalization has in the job market of the rich countries. Globalization has benefits such as increasing the market for company’s product thereby increasing job opportunities. The disadvantage, however, is the drain to developing countries. The graduates from universities of the rich countries have to compete with those of poorer countries. This has been enabled by globalization because firms are able to find employees from all over the world easily.... These graduates are willing to work more for less. Firms are finding it viable to switch to these countries in spite of the impact this has to the home countries. This is because the firms have to enhance their competitive advantage by lowering the costs of the firm. The other issue is the effect of technology on the job market. The article acknowledges that we are in age where technology is improving very fast. The technology is being used to perform tasks that were being performed by human beings, and, it is emerging that, in future, many of the jobs done by the educated people will be replaced by machines. This is mostly the repetitive jobs, therefore; the jobs that are likely to be affected are those in the mid level in factories. The new technology also enables an uneducated person to perform tasks that only an educated person could perform. This has greatly affected the professionals such as accountants where accounting programs are able to be handled by people with very little knowledge of accounting. Some of the jobs such that have been well paying and require high level of education such as medicine and law are also being affected. The effect of such jobs is in different forms but is due to advancement in technology. Some of the reason are due to the fact that the customers do not have to use the service of the these professions, for instance patients can get advice straight from the Internet on health, they, therefore, do not have to use a doctor for this service. This lowers the demand for doctors. Another reason is due to the outsourcing companies, for instance, many of the jobs in a hospital do not relate to treating patients alone. Just like in any other firm, the hospital has supporting functions such

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Literature is an exercise in trying to understand the human condition Essay

Literature is an exercise in trying to understand the human condition - Essay Example It is hoped that an analysis of the two novels through the feminist lens would lead to a better understanding of broader humanity. It is not an exaggeration to say that Salman Rushdie revolutionized the art of fiction with his breakthrough work Midnight’s Children. As the role and viability of literature as a medium of education and entertainment came to be questioned during the 1980s, Midnight’s Children sprung like a fountain of elixir and brought freshness and vitality to English Literature. Hence Rushdie could rightly be regarded as an eminent postmodern and postcolonial master of words. This essay will be dealing with two of his lesser acclaimed works – The Enchantress of Florence and The Ground Beneath Her Feet – and make observations on the treatment of gender. The two books are particularly suitable to gender study for they feature strong, bold, ebullient and beautiful female characters. The very title The Ground Beneath Her Feet stands in tribute to the woman being loved. The phrase represents the feelings of adoration and sanctity that the narrator feels toward the woman he loves. In this case, Vina Apsara is the object of love and Umeed ‘Rai’ Merchant is the narrator, although the latter’s love would prove futile in the face of Ormus Cama’s (the protagonist) charm and talent. Only a writer who’s in love with the character could take it to great heights of self-expression. This is amply evident in the elaborate manner in which Rushdie sketches Vina’s character through the course of the novel. Not only is she musically gifted, she has traversed several continents and overcome arduous circumstances on the way to super stardom. During her formative years, her journeys between America, India and Europe were full of threats and disasters. Yet, through some hidden mechanism of nature and unaccounted fortitude she marches on in life to fulfill her artistic destiny. The strength in Vina†™s womanhood is borne by the manner in which she withstood the series of misfortunes visiting her life. When she was a child, Vina only nearly escaped abandonment by her biological father. Though she was fortunate to evade the maddening murder spree of her mother, the loss of her siblings is a real tragedy. Although an element of divine plan is implicit in such a life course, the derivation of strength from inner resources is also present. (Mishra, 1999, p.42) To understand the feminism of Vina Apsara, one has to look at the traits of her eventual replacement, Mira. This younger, steadier avatar of Vina proves to be quite the opposite of her predecessor. In Vina’s case, the chief antagonist is herself, as her tendency to blow up all of a sudden has led to many troubles. The iconic Vina is someone who collapsed under her own weight – further burdened by â€Å"her own unattainable, constantly transforming image†. In contrast, we have Mira, who represents an â₠¬Å"â€Å"ordinary human love beneath one's feet† (575), that is, the kind of stability and wherewithal that can ensure longevity without the sensationalist, self-destructive trappings of Vina Apsara's radicalism†. (Pirbhai, 2001, p.54) In this regard, Mira’s feminism is not in any way deficient than that of Vina’s, only more powerful. The word Mira could be construed as a pun on â€Å"

Types of Divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Types of Divorce - Essay Example Although it has been a common understanding that getting a divorce is tedious and expensive process, knowing the different ways of how to get one would make each of the couples avoid being caught off-guard should they decide to break of from their marriage. In the same way, knowing the different grounds for divorce would allow each of the couple to go through the process in an emotionally and psychologically convenient manner. During the early days when divorce was not a common trend in the society, in order for a spouse to get out of the marriage, he or she has to prove that the other has neglected the solemnity of their marriage. Such marital negligence or abuse includes adultery, physical abuse or desertion (Doskow, n.d.). Unless either of the spouses was able to provide sufficient evidence that their husband or wife commits such grave condition, they will not be able to obtain their freedom from their marital status. On the other hand as more and more matrimonies continue to seek liberation from their spouses for grounds that are not are not covered by fault divorce, another option was passed and recognized by the law in order for the couples to be separated legally from their spouses. No-fault divorce is another option for married couples whose relationship does not involve any of the conditions above. This type of divorce rather recognizes the couples’ "irreconcilable differences" where any issues that surround both of them could no longer be solved. Mediated and collaborative divorce may be similar.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Final Examination Employment Law Research Paper

Final Examination Employment Law - Research Paper Example In recent times, the business had determined to go â€Å"public† and became qualified for selling stocks and debentures on the S & P exchange. However, with this new move, the company gained the attention of the local labor union representatives, who further decided to interact with the employees of the company. In this regard, they seek permission from Ms. Clark for their interaction with the employees, which they are not required to do so as they possess legal authority for performing the same. Owing to their professional approach, Ms. Clark permits the union representatives to enter the premises of the company for which she had to face criticism and threat of termination from the top level management of the company. This instance was followed by an offer from the management, which depicted a forceful retirement package with the exclusion of several normal retirement benefits. She did not response to the offer of the management, which eventually resulted in her termination. THESIS STATEMENT In context to the aforementioned case, this research paper will identify and explain the law that will be applicable to assist Ms. Clark to deal with the misconduct of the company made towards her. A few of the law that will be considered in this paper will include EIRSA (Title VII), the NLRB and Tort law of the United States among others. Accordingly, a conclusion will be made about the position of Ms. Clark in the entire scenario. DISCUSSION From the above analysis, it is quite apparent that Ms Clark had certain issues with her disability in Danskin Inc. However, the approach of the company made towards her with regard to promotion and decision of contacting the union representatives can be countered as per the EIRSA (Title VII), the NLRB and state Torts law in order to reach an ultimate conclusion on her rights and stands in the entire scenario. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is a federal law of the United States, enacted in the year 1974 wit h the intention of protecting the rights of pension plan standards of the employees in the workplace. Contextually, title VII of the Act deals with the aspect of employee discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sex, race, age and other related factor. However, in the case, Ms Clark was restrained from the post of Senior Vice president in the organization due to the reason that she was legally blind and deemed not fit to face the challenges along with the responsibilities involved in that particular designation. Contextually, it can be stated that the approach of company could not be countered or questioned in this regard as its conduct was not discriminatory as per title VII of the ERISA. However, as per the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA), employers should not discriminate the employees on grounds of their age and deprive them from gaining employment opportunities. Accordingly, the approach of the company in terms of not promoting Ms. Clark also has the association of her age factor as a reason. Furthermore, in this similar regard, Ms. Clark can also counter the approach made by the company towards her on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) 1990, which states that employers will have the responsibility to treat all the employees on the basis of their competency and not their disability. In this case, Ms. Clark’s promotion was solely restrained on the basis of her legal blindness (Auburn University, â€Å"

Sunday, August 25, 2019

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting Research Paper

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting - Research Paper Example Usually, an organization will fund a particular activity, which helps in monitoring the use of other resources, and assess the outcome. Companies that adopt this technique are able to estimate a particular cost-element of the whole batch of products, services and activities. This way, the company finds it easier to make a decision on the identifying products or services, which are less important. Additionally, any service that tends to overpriced is normally reduced to the right pricing. Further, a company can do away with any processing of goods if the process used proves to be unprofitable. In short, the ABC method helps a company in the assigning cost of resources in the activities to help in delivery of products to its clients (Brown & Tower, 2010). As a result, companies are able to decide on the pricing of goods, their identification, outsourcing as well improve non-effective processes. History Whereas George Staubus is the man that ABC is based on, this concept was first initiated in the US in the 70s. In the late 80s, Robert Kaplan and robin Cooper popularized the term when they both compared the traditional method of accounting with the ABC. In their conclusion, they felt that ABC was more effective than the traditional one. Moreover, it was established that ABC is able to locate the exact cost that a company will spend and not just the main expense.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Physics research paper outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Physics research paper outline - Essay Example Berlin: Springer, 2004, provides a deep information on the topic by giving information about the low cost solar cells. Poortmans, Jef and Arkhipov, Vladimir. Thin Film Solar Cells: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications. London: John Wiley and Sons, 2006, provides the knowledge for the research topic by giving knowledge about the manufacturing process and the materials utilized in low cost solar photovoltaic cells. Solanki, Chetan Singh. Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals Technologies and Applications. New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2009 gives information about the solar technologies and the different applications of the solar technology. Worthington, David. New Solar Technology Could Be Mass Produced. Smart Planet, 2011. Retrieved on 4 December 2011 from, gives the ideas how the cost of the solar technology can be reduced and how the efficiency of the solar technology can be enhanced. As the energy resources are consumed on a large scale, the demand for the energy is increasing and the energy generated by the fossil fuel has not the capability to generate the energy from harmful fumes and green house gases. In this way, the energy produced by burning the fossil fuel resources is denies the theories of sustainability. For this reason, the utilization of environment friendly technology is needed for the future and solar technology has enough potential to promise the uninterrupted power for the future. Solar energy has the potential to provide the technology for the future. Solar photovoltaic technology can convert the direct solar energy into electrical power and the solar thermal technology converts the water into steam and then utilized the steam turbine to extract the energy from the steam and convert it to electrical energy. Thin film solar photovoltaic cells can be produces at massive level utilizing the

Friday, August 23, 2019

5th Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

5th Amendment - Essay Example The rule could also be taken as to follow the Fifth Amendment’s self incriminating command that â€Å"no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, and that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. (David W Neubauer. 2006) During arrests, or any police interrogations, the court held in the 1897’s Bram v. United States that involuntary confessions are inadmissible as evidence, though as Davies, Thomas (2003, pg679) commented, â€Å"The distinction between testimonials versus other self incriminating evidence is an issue of continuing debate†. The Miranda rule therefore requires somewhat to be modified. This is on the basis that the Miranda warnings as mandated by the 1966 US Supreme Court decision in the Miranda v. Arizona case is a means of protecting criminal suspect’s right of avoiding coercive self-incrimination. The modification would also be necessary to further strengthen the omission of the Miranda reading as the current rule stands i.e. the Miranda reading may be omitted during arrest e.g. when the evidence is already sufficient for indicting the suspect, or in cases when the suspect is talkative and volunteers information, without being asked. However, the admissibility o f conversations, as evidence is only considered for judgment on a case-by-case basis, and also subject to appeal (pg 810). If the Miranda rule is modified to allow submission of statements obtained in violation of Miranda warnings, it will be more beneficial to the police and the general population because the exclusionary rule prevents the police to effectively solves crimes from violating the civil liberties of the general population. It makes the work of the arresting officers unbearable, since warrants are only issued by judges, on condition that there is â€Å"probable cause† to believe that evidence of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wuthering Heights Essay Example for Free

Wuthering Heights Essay In Chapter 5, Nelly comments that though capable of sweetness, Cathy likes to act the little mistress, and it is this awareness of the social differences between she and Heathcliff that lead her, to marry Edgar Linton who is handsome† and â€Å"pleasant to be with. In Chapter 9 when Nelly implies that these reasons are superficial, Cathy tells of her plan to use Edgars money to help Heathcliff â€Å"rise† from his outsider status, and how it would â€Å"degrade† her to marry Heathcliff, although she does say Heathcliff is â€Å"more myself than I am†: This viewpoint displays love where Freud says â€Å"the boundary between ego and object threatens to melt away. Against all the evidence of their senses, a man/woman who are in love declare ‘I and you are one, and is prepared to behave as if it were a fact. As a result Edgar Linton is an outsider to this love, and this ultimately leads to Cathy’s refusal to respond to his later request that she either â€Å"give up Heathcliff† or him, for it is â€Å"impossible for [her] to be [his] friend† and â€Å"[Heathcliff’s] at the same time. â€Å" This battle between the two men to posses Cathy inevitably results in her death. Although Heathcliff has the appearance and manners of a gentleman, the revenge he plans is diabolical, and though she loves him, Cathy is not fooled, when she and Heathcliff meet for the last time she tells him, he has â€Å"broken [her] heart† and that she shall not be at peace. She dies two hours after midnight, having given birth to a puny, seven months child†. The location of Cathy’s grave then indicates the extent to which she was separated from the rest of her family and from the society of Gimmerton, â€Å"Neither in the chapel under the monument of the Linton’s†, nor yet the tombs of her own relations, outside† It is a spot isolated within the churchyard and reclaimed by the wilderness of the moor as befits her nature. Heathcliff is later buried alongside her allowing the kindred souls to â€Å"merge† and dissolve into each other to achieve a unity, which transcends the petty struggles of social class and outsiders, ever present in the world of â€Å"Wuthering Heights†. â€Å"Wuthering Heights† is often seen by critics to allude to ideas of The Fall, evident in the character of Isabella Linton who falls from the enviable position of being an insider, to an outsider. In spite of Cathy’s blunt warning that Hes a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man, Isabella still chooses to elope with Heathcliff under the delusion of him being a Byronic Hero. However in her failure to heed Cathie’s warning she finds herself measured against the standards of her legal overseer and turned into a â€Å"fugitive†. As a woman of the 19th century she would have been heavily dependent on her husband and Heathcliff sees this as an opportunity to literally incarcerate her in a marriage she describes as â€Å"worse than solitude. † In Chapter 13 when she decides to return home, the rift between brother and sister is evident as Edgar refuses to take her back claiming, â€Å"She is only [his] sister in name†, precipitating her departure to the south, where she remains an outsider and outcast until her death. Similarly in â€Å"Oranges† Jeanette’s return to the fold is ultimately problematic and unsatisfactory as nothing seems to have changed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Service and price options Essay Example for Free

Service and price options Essay In summary, the website is very effective in achieving its goal of reaching customers through the internet. Although the rental service via the internet and by mail is only available in the United States, the online service gives an outlook of the whole company. The layout and the consistent use of the color scheme give a unified theme to the website giving the excellent yet uncomplicated look and feel of the website. And though the web design is quite simple and moderately unattractive, it attains its goal to be an alternative and accessible way of rental service to customers in a variety of places. Membership Plans and Retail Options Blockbuster Online renders two major membership or subscription plans for its customers. These two categories are Blockbuster Total Access and Blockbuster by Mail (Blockbuster Online). The only difference on the two major membership plans is that in Blockbuster Total Access, rental services include both by mail and in-store exchanges of movies while in Blockbuster by Mail, in-store exchanges are not allowed. The different plans under these two categories also vary. Blockbuster Total Access can either be premium or just ordinary. In premium, the customer has an unlimited number of in-store exchanges while in ordinary, limited in-store access is available. Regarding Blockbuster by Mail plans, the customer can order online for movie rentals and these are delivered by mail on the customer’s doorstep. Exchanges and returns of movie rentals are also done online and by mail (Blockbuster Online). Thus, in this type of membership plan, the customer need not go to a Blockbuster store. This membership plan is perfectly suitable for subscribers who do not have rental stores in their vicinity. Prices for rental services differ depending on the membership plan of the customers (see Comparison Chart). Retail services are by movie basis. Furthermore, online retail service is done via credit card or online wiring service. In addition to be able to buy movies on line, the customer has to have an account on the Blockbuster website. Prices of movies on sale depend on the movies’ producers. Nonetheless, new releases are much more expensive than old movie copies. Comparison Chart Movie Selections The company has a wide range of movie selections. It also offers TV shows and series as well as game software and music videos. The copies of movies are purportedly sufficient for its number of members and customers. However, the rental service is still subject to the availability of the movie copies. The number of copies also depends on the movie type. Classics have much less number of copies that new releases. Furthermore, most wanted videos have more copies than ordinary hit movies. The large selection of movies is simplified by the website through organizing the movies into different categories and subcategories. The major categories are action adventure, animation, comedy, documentary, drama, family kids, foreign, horror, music performing arts, mystery suspense, romance, science fiction fantasy, special interest, sports fitness, television, war and western. Under these categories are further subcategories of which some are listed below: Action adventure – action comedy, action thriller, adventure drama. Science fiction fantasy – sea adventure, swashbucklers, sword and sandal. Animation – animated musical, anime. Comedy – comedy drama, comedy thriller, dark humor, family comedy, heist/caper comedy. Documentary – adventure travel, art history, biography, history, language literature. Drama – addiction drama, police drama, childhood drama, crime drama, medical drama. Family kids – infant, toddler, children’s entertainment, family classics, kids’ fantasy. Foreign – Asian, Chinese, European, Filipino, French, German, Indian, Spanish, Japanese. Horror – alien invasion, ghosts haunts, monsters, occult, nature-gone-wild. Music performing arts – concerts, classical, dance, gospel, opera, musicals, singers. Mystery suspense – crime, detective film, spy, whodunit, political thriller. Sports and fitness – extreme sports, Olympics, dance, diet nutrition, yoga and Tai Chi. (Blockbuster Online). Competitor’s Information Application Blockbuster Inc. offers a lot of useful information and business experiences as well as practical guides for the establishment of a beginner. It gives insight that can be utilized in order to enter the market with security and stability. The long history and the many amendments to the company’s organization and management can be a lesson to future business establishments even in a different industry. Experienced website history is possessed by Blockbuster Inc.although they are not the first mover in the field of online rental service. Nevertheless, their advantage is that they have made possible and excellent revisions of competitors’ websites making their own website less prone to errors and negative feedbacks. It is therefore this very advantage that a new emerging business can take hold from the information obtained from Blockbuster Online. To further explain such circumstance, it is appropriate to give specific situations. For example, the simplicity of Blockbuster’s website instills over familiarity of customers which can lead to decrease of interest. Thus, if one has to build up a website on the same line of business, one has to make sure that the website include more interesting designs such as animations and video presentations. Addition of background music may also be added to increase the website’s attraction. Scroll over animations and flash presentations of step-by-step procedures may also be employed. It is also appropriate that confidentiality of customers’ information is prioritized. One very important detail that Blockbuster Online lacks must be included in this new website. This detail concern a web page dedicated for the employees of the company where every employee have access to more confidential data regarding the company. This will give an impression to consumers that the company values its own people. Furthermore, a web page containing a live chat room may be of help for quick answers of clients that regard their time too valuable to wait for questions on video rental services. The gathering of data from a future competitor of a budding business establishment is just the beginning of the many challenges and trials that the business will undergo to gain stability and prosperity. It is even the easiest way to accomplish. Data gathering is uncomplicated. What is important is the ability to evaluate the obtained data and utilize it for the benefit of one’s own company. References BlockBuster Online. . Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. blockbuster. com/. Crunchbase. Netflix. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. crunchbase. com/company/netflix. Microsoft Encarta 2007. (2006). Blockbuster Inc. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [CD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Movie Gallery. Business Description. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. moviegallery. com/company/about. aspx. Press Releases. Blockbuster Inc. Company Profile. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. b2i. us/profiles/investors/ResLibrary. asp? BzID=553ResLibraryID=6807GoToPage=5Category=27. Wright Investor Service. Hastings Entertainment, Inc. – Company Profile Snapshot. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://wrightreports. ecnext. com/coms2/reportdesc_COMPANY_418365102. Yahoo Finance. Blockbuster, Inc. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://finance. yahoo. com/q/pr? s=BBI.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Integrated Severe Accident Codes

Integrated Severe Accident Codes Advanced safety evaluations and design optimizations that were not possible few years ago can now be performed. Nowadays, it becomes possible to switch to new generation of computational tools in order to get better realistic simulations of complex phenomena and transients. The challenge today is to revisit safety features of the existing research reactors in order to verify that the safety requirements still met and when necessary to introduce some amendments, coming from not only the new requirements but also, in order to introduce new equipments from recent advancement of new technologies. The objective of this work is to give an overview of the state of the art in performing safety analysis of research reactors and to emphasize the need and the provision to achieve such goals. An attempt to perform standardized safety analyses for RR was proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency e IAEA. In the framework of core conversion from the use of highly enriched uranium fuel to the use of low enriched uranium fuel. In this regard, a safety related benchmark problem for an idealized generic 10 MW MTR light-water pool-type reactor was specified in order to compare computational methods used in various research centers and institutions. The related benchmark problem covers large steady state kinetic and thermal-hydraulic calculations and wide range of hypothetical dynamic transient conditions. However, almost all of the safety analyses have so far been performed using conservative computational tools. Nowadays, an established international expertise in relation to computational tools, procedures for their application, including best estimate methods supported by uncertainty evaluation, and comprehensive experimental database exists within the safety technology of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The importance of transferring NPP safety technology tools and methods to RR safety technology has been noted in recent IAEA activities. However, the ranges of parameters of interest to RR are different from those for NPP. This is namely true for fuel composition, system pressure, adopted materials and overall system geometric configuration. The large variety of research reactors prevented so far the achievement of systematic and detailed lists of initiating events based upon qualified PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) studies with results endorsed by the international community. However, bounding and generalized lists of events are available from IAEA documents and can be considered for de eper studies in the area. In the area of acceptance criteria, established standards accepted by the international community are available. Therefore no major effort is needed, but an effort appears worthwhile to check that those standards are adopted and that the related thresholds are fulfilled. The importance of suitable experimental validation is recognized. A large amount of data exists as the kinetic dynamic core behavior form SPERT reactors tests. However, not all data are accessible to all institutions and the relationship between the range of parameters of experiments and the range of parameters relevant to RR technology is not always established. However, code-assessment through relevant set of experimental data is recorded and properly stored. An established technology exists for development, qualification and application of system thermal-hydraulics codes suitable to be adopted for accident analysis in research reactors. This derives from NPP technology. The applicability of system codes like RELAP5, COBRA and MARS to the research reactor needs has been confirmed from recent IAEA activities. Definitely, system codes are mature for application to transient analysis in research reactors. However, code limitations have been found in predicting pressure drops as a function of mass flux at low values of mass flux when nucleate boiling occurs. The importance of the Whittle and Forgan experiments shall be mentioned, as well as the dependence of results from the noding (cell subdivision) adopted by the code users. Several code user choices, including time step may have a significant effect upon prediction, thus confirming the need for detailed code user guidelines. Furthermore, code validation must be demonstrated for the range of parameters of interest to research reactors. The crucial role of uncertainty in research reactor technology has been emphasized, (a) for the design, with main reference to the prediction of the nominal steady state conditions and, (b) for the safety issues, with main reference to the prediction of the time evolution of significant safety parameters. It has been observed that suitable-mature methods exist, but the spread of these methods and procedures within the community of scientists working in research reactor technology is limited. Therefore, the purpose of the present report is to provide an overview of the accident analysis technology applied to the research reactor, with emphasis given to the capabilities and limits of the used computational tools. There are many analysis codes for transient and accident analysis and simulating individual phenomena of severe accident. These analysis codes can be categorized into the different groups as shown in Table 1, where various analysis codes are classified into several groups. The integrated severe accident codes are formed by selecting and combining individual analysis tools. They can be used to model the whole sequence of the severe accident which may occur in the plant system or in the experimental facilities.

Becoming a Teacher: My Philosophy on Education Essay examples -- Teac

Becoming a Teacher: My Philosophy on Education When did education start? Do we still need education to function as a society? How long will public education remain a kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum? The answers to these questions will vary from person to person, but they will all have one common theme: education will and must go on! Education is the key to a progressing society. Education is the only way that knowledge is passed from generation to generation. In this paper I will explain why I wish to teach, my educational goals, and the philosophy that I will use during my teaching career. Becoming a teacher in today’s society is not the most choice among our society. People tend to demean the profession of teaching in that it does not pay enough money. I have been told that I should not become a teacher for this reason and even considered not becoming a teacher because of the poor pay. Now, I would have to disagree with this precept. Teaching is probably one of the most underpaid careers that one could pick; but for me I believe that the personal satisfaction outweighs the pay. Teachers are not going to have the biggest houses or the most expensive cars, but truthfully I do not strive for those possessions. I believe that teaching requires great skill and professionalism. In order to teach someone, you must know the subject that you are teaching well. The field of education is not for everyone; it takes a special person that has a genuine love for children and can get students motivated to learn. My love for a subject, secondary mathematics, and my natural desire to help others are the reasons that I wish to become a teacher. From th... a philosophy because I believe that a student should have to learn ideas that have lasted over centuries and use the ideas within the classroom. For example, a student should have to use the rules for derivatives in calculus because they have lasted over time. When I become a teacher I hope to incorporate all of these philosophies into my classroom. Teaching is not a profession that today’s society would call a rewarding profession because of the demands and poor salaries. I struggled with not making enough money for a little while, but have since put that behind me. I realize I can change some students’ lives. This is more rewarding than money and will make an impact on my students for years and years to come. I strive to be the best teacher that I can be so that my students will enjoy school and maybe, one day, want to become a teacher too.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Intellectual Property Protection Essay -- Law, Copyrights

Intellectual property protection has become increasingly popular in the last century. Many factors have probed interest in this area of the law. A few of those factors include musicians seeking protection of their musical talents through use of copyrights, companies seek to protect inventions of advanced production capabilities, companies create trademarks that differentiate their unique goods from competitors, and companies like Coca-Cola protect their undisclosed ingredients for their products through use of trade secrets. These examples are to gain an understanding of how and why intellectual property rights help companies seek advantages in the marketplace. Furthermore, as the world shrinks because of advancements in transportation and computer technology, intellectual property rights become a large part of entrepreneurship and product development. This paper will discuss the interesting and challenging topic of intellectual property protection. The four basic types of inte llectual property include copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets; we will discuss the intellectual properties in the order in which they are listed. COPYRIGHTS: A copyright prohibits the unauthorized reproduction of creative works such as books, magazines, poems, drawings, paintings, musical compositions, sound recordings, films, and DVDs (Barnes, Dworkin & Richards, 2011). Though many people do file, copyrights do not require any special filing or process other than personal creativity, copyrights take formation automatically. Any creative works created prior to 1978 exist for 75 years. Creative works created after 1978 exist for the life of the author plus an additional seventy (70) years. Copyrights are given to an author/creato... ...esses expand into foreign countries, many businesses find there are already companies with the same trademark. However, focusing on the domestic market, recovery for trademark infringement must show that (1) it possesses the trademark; (2) the defendant used the mark in commerce; (3) the defendant’s use of the mark was to benefit; and (4) the infringer is confusing customers (Barnes, Dworkin & Richards, 2011). As China expands industrially and technologically, many U.S. and European companies fear trademark infringement. Most large companies have done well at establishing and maintaining international trademark protection (e.g., Coca-Cola, Apple, and McDonalds), whereas small to medium companies struggle with copycat goods and services. Not to get confused, trademark infringement happens domestically with products like Nike footwear and Ralph Lauren clothing.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

space probes :: essays research papers

Deep Space Probes 1 Have you ever considered life on other planets, or maybe galaxies that we have never heard of? Thanks to space probes these dreams may become a reality sooner than u think. In the past years there have been many space probes launched and even more discoveries made by them. These probes are helping people to better understand our solar system and everything it. They are also helping to make many new discoveries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What exactly is a space probe? A space probe is an unmanned space vehicle that is designed to explore our solar system and everything in it by using very high-tech instruments. Some common instruments that you will find on a spacecraft include magnetometers, radiometers, cameras that are sensitive to infrared and ultraviolet light, and tools that can detect micrometers, cosmic rays, solar winds, and gamma rays. Space probes study structures in our solar system for various reasons. They use onboard computers to send data back to Earth. In order for these space probes to actually reach space, they must be launched with enough energy to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth. Space probes are not designed to return back to Earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the past years, many space probes have been launched for many different reasons. They have visited all of the planets in our solar system besides Pluto. The earliest space probes to be launched in the United States were the Mariner Series. They investigated Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The Mariner II flew within 35,400 km of the surface of Venus. (1) It sent information back to Earth about Venus’s atmosphere, rotation period, and information on its magnetic field. Mariner 10 has been the only space probe to reach Mercury so far. Another space probe, Helios I came within (1)Amazing Spacecraft 2 47 million km of the sun. (1) The Luna II and III space probes landed on the surface of the moon and took the first photos of the far side of the moon in 1959. Another space probe called the Pathfinder was launched on December 4, 1996 and made a successful landing on Mars in July of 1997. Other space probes to reach Mars include the Mars Pathfinder and the Mars Global Surveyor. A few other past space probes include the Voyager II, which is the only space probe to reach Uranus, The Venera VII, which was the first space probe to space probes :: essays research papers Deep Space Probes 1 Have you ever considered life on other planets, or maybe galaxies that we have never heard of? Thanks to space probes these dreams may become a reality sooner than u think. In the past years there have been many space probes launched and even more discoveries made by them. These probes are helping people to better understand our solar system and everything it. They are also helping to make many new discoveries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What exactly is a space probe? A space probe is an unmanned space vehicle that is designed to explore our solar system and everything in it by using very high-tech instruments. Some common instruments that you will find on a spacecraft include magnetometers, radiometers, cameras that are sensitive to infrared and ultraviolet light, and tools that can detect micrometers, cosmic rays, solar winds, and gamma rays. Space probes study structures in our solar system for various reasons. They use onboard computers to send data back to Earth. In order for these space probes to actually reach space, they must be launched with enough energy to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth. Space probes are not designed to return back to Earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the past years, many space probes have been launched for many different reasons. They have visited all of the planets in our solar system besides Pluto. The earliest space probes to be launched in the United States were the Mariner Series. They investigated Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The Mariner II flew within 35,400 km of the surface of Venus. (1) It sent information back to Earth about Venus’s atmosphere, rotation period, and information on its magnetic field. Mariner 10 has been the only space probe to reach Mercury so far. Another space probe, Helios I came within (1)Amazing Spacecraft 2 47 million km of the sun. (1) The Luna II and III space probes landed on the surface of the moon and took the first photos of the far side of the moon in 1959. Another space probe called the Pathfinder was launched on December 4, 1996 and made a successful landing on Mars in July of 1997. Other space probes to reach Mars include the Mars Pathfinder and the Mars Global Surveyor. A few other past space probes include the Voyager II, which is the only space probe to reach Uranus, The Venera VII, which was the first space probe to

Saturday, August 17, 2019

John Lewis

Good day, everyone. Since you’ve just heard about the plus side, let us now talk about the weakness. Some may find the first few familiar but I’ll mention them again anyway. * Firstly, in 2008, a scandal over expenses claimed by Members of Parliament revealed that John Lewis prices were being used as a guide to the maximum costs refundable to MPs when equipping London pieds a terre at a public expense. * Secondly, last year, pre-tax profits fell 3. 8%, to ? 354 million. * Thirdly, the very wet summer in 2012 has affected profits of businesses including retail and the hospitality industry. Besides that, there are a number more that we’ve manage to look up such as how * John Lewis performance slipped over the 2010 Christmas period. While all retailers practically underperformed during this time, John Lewis was the most exposed.At the time of writing, the share price was 361p with the 52-week low of 367p and high of 759p, which means that John Lewis M&S had lost more than 50% of its value during the year (Sunday Times, 2011). * Similarly, the price/earnings ratio of 9. is very low as compared to that of its competitor’s i. e. Mark and Spenser. The price/earnings ratio is the key indicator of investor assurance in a company (Arnold, 2002). * Next, John Lewis has recently started cutting prices to match up the ever increasing competition. This may devalue the brand (The Economist, 2012). * Lastly, The company has been recently criticized for fuelling accusations of poor managerial incompetence, corporate governance and lack of transparency infuriating many large investors (Nugent and Hawkes, 2012). * Thank you. John Lewis Good day, everyone. Since you’ve just heard about the plus side, let us now talk about the weakness. Some may find the first few familiar but I’ll mention them again anyway. * Firstly, in 2008, a scandal over expenses claimed by Members of Parliament revealed that John Lewis prices were being used as a guide to the maximum costs refundable to MPs when equipping London pieds a terre at a public expense. * Secondly, last year, pre-tax profits fell 3. 8%, to ? 354 million. * Thirdly, the very wet summer in 2012 has affected profits of businesses including retail and the hospitality industry. Besides that, there are a number more that we’ve manage to look up such as how * John Lewis performance slipped over the 2010 Christmas period. While all retailers practically underperformed during this time, John Lewis was the most exposed.At the time of writing, the share price was 361p with the 52-week low of 367p and high of 759p, which means that John Lewis M&S had lost more than 50% of its value during the year (Sunday Times, 2011). * Similarly, the price/earnings ratio of 9. is very low as compared to that of its competitor’s i. e. Mark and Spenser. The price/earnings ratio is the key indicator of investor assurance in a company (Arnold, 2002). * Next, John Lewis has recently started cutting prices to match up the ever increasing competition. This may devalue the brand (The Economist, 2012). * Lastly, The company has been recently criticized for fuelling accusations of poor managerial incompetence, corporate governance and lack of transparency infuriating many large investors (Nugent and Hawkes, 2012). * Thank you.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Communication and Direct Eye Contact

Where Do We Stand? O Lisa Davis Lisa Davis in this article focuses on cross-cultural difference in the use of personal space and on conflicts and misunderstanding that often arises from these differences. She maintains that with enough training and preaching. People can learn non-verbal habitat of other culture and minimize intercultural problems. She says the main cause of non-verbal conflict is the tendency for people to interrelate the non-verbal pattern of other culture in terms of the pattern within their own culture.These ethnocentric viewings of reality often result in misinterpretation negative value judgment and feeling of discomfort. 1) American use more direct eye contact than do Japanese (Para 6) 2) South American converse at a closet distant and establish more direct eye contact than do another European. (Para 7) 3) Men tend to converse at a greater distance than do women. (Para 8&9) 4) Women established more eyes contact than do men. (Para 9) ) Russians are a higher con tact, a people whereas establishes are a non-contact group. (para10) 6) Caucasians should view a student avoidance of eye contact as sign of deception whereas Asian teachers see such avoidance as sign of foreign. (Para 11) 7) An American who is used to standing on the corner of elevator and avoiding eyes contact with other people will feel that something is wearing if someone stand by a few inches away. (Para 17) 8) South Arabian men often hold hand while walking but American men don’t. t is important to follow the foreign country's ways when people go to foreign country because there are huge differences between own country and foreign country. Especially, the way of communication makes people  confuse. According to â€Å"Where Do We Stand† by Lisa Davis, people have different way of non-verbal communication, which depends on their cultural back ground and gender. As a result, people sometimes feel uncomfortable when they communicate with other people. In Japan, the re are some different communications styles, which make  foreigner  confuse.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Human: Atmosphere and Earth

Human have been damaging on the Earth for thousands of years. In fact, human activity has big influence on the Earth. Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. In my opinion, I really believe that the human is damaging the Earth. There are three main ways to damages the Earth from human activity are deforestation , poisonous gases , and it makes pollute the environment. First, a human activity that damages the Earth is deforestation. Deforestation destroys a huge area of forest every year.The world forests could completely disappear in a hundred years by human activities. Furthermore , deforestation also cause the loss of plants and animals then lead some of them to extinction. This activity have made many negative effects to the environment and our the Earth.. Second, People living has produced a huge of poisonous gases. These gases are released by cars, factories , industrial , and etc. They cloud destroy ozone layer ,which could create a phenomenon cal led â€Å"the green house effect†.The green house effect cause the temperature of the Earth increases . As a result, the ice in the North and South thaw and cause the water level becomes higher. This is one of the worst effects of human activities that damage the Earth. Third, human activities have polluted the environment very much on the Earth. People have built many factories to develop modern industry. These factories have released many toxic materials into the rivers, the soil, and the sea. The industry have killed many of plants, animals, and fishes.This activities have damaged the Earth too much. In conclusion, the human activities have made many negative effects on the Earth. There are three ways that I show to damages the Earth by human activities ; deforestation could decrease many types of plants and animals , poisonous gases could destroy ozone layer and could create the green house effect , and human activities have polluted the environment by industries . People could make the Earth become a better place to live in the future by themselves. Human: Atmosphere and Earth Human have been damaging on the Earth for thousands of years. In fact, human activity has big influence on the Earth. Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. In my opinion, I really believe that the human is damaging the Earth. There are three main ways to damages the Earth from human activity are deforestation , poisonous gases , and it makes pollute the environment. First, a human activity that damages the Earth is deforestation. Deforestation destroys a huge area of forest every year.The world forests could completely disappear in a hundred years by human activities. Furthermore , deforestation also cause the loss of plants and animals then lead some of them to extinction. This activity have made many negative effects to the environment and our the Earth.. Second, People living has produced a huge of poisonous gases. These gases are released by cars, factories , industrial , and etc. They cloud destroy ozone layer ,which could create a phenomenon cal led â€Å"the green house effect†.The green house effect cause the temperature of the Earth increases . As a result, the ice in the North and South thaw and cause the water level becomes higher. This is one of the worst effects of human activities that damage the Earth. Third, human activities have polluted the environment very much on the Earth. People have built many factories to develop modern industry. These factories have released many toxic materials into the rivers, the soil, and the sea. The industry have killed many of plants, animals, and fishes.This activities have damaged the Earth too much. In conclusion, the human activities have made many negative effects on the Earth. There are three ways that I show to damages the Earth by human activities ; deforestation could decrease many types of plants and animals , poisonous gases could destroy ozone layer and could create the green house effect , and human activities have polluted the environment by industries . People could make the Earth become a better place to live in the future by themselves.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Of Truth by Francis Bacon and A Short Analysis Essay

What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Certainly there be, that delight in giddiness, and count it a bondage to fix a belief; affecting1 free-will in thinking, as well as in acting. And though the sects of philosophers of that kind2 be gone, yet there remain certain discoursing3 wits, which are of the same veins, though there be not so much blood in them, as was in those of the ancients. But it is not only the difficulty and labor, which men take in finding out of truth, nor again, that when it is found, it imposeth upon4 men’s thoughts, that doth bring lies in favor; but a natural though corrupt love, of the lie itself. One of the later school5 of the Grecians, examineth the matter, and is at a stand, to think what should be in it, that men should love lies; where neither they make for pleasure, as with poets, nor for advantage, as with the merchant; but for the lie’s sake. But I cannot tell; this same truth, is a naked, and open day-light, that doth not show the masks, and mummeries, and triumphs, of the world, half so stately and daintily as candle-lights. Truth may perhaps come to the price of a pearl, that showeth best by day; but it will not rise to the price of a diamond, or carbuncle, that showeth best in varied lights. A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure. Doth any man doubt, that if there were taken out of men’s minds, vain opinions, flattering hopes, false valuations, imaginations as one would, and the like, but it would leave the minds, of a number of men, poor shrunken things, full of melancholy and indisposition, and unpleasing to themselves? One of the fathers, in great severity, called poesy vinum doemonum, because it filleth the imagination; and yet, it is but with the shadow of a lie. But it is not the lie that passeth through the mind, but the lie that sinketh in, and settleth in it, that doth the hurt; such as we spake of before. But, howsoever these things are thus in men’s depraved judgments, and affections, yet truth, which only doth judge itself, teacheth that the inquiry of truth, which is the love-making, or wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature. The first creature of God, in the works of the days, was the light of the sense; the last, was the light of reason; and his sabbath work ever since, is the illumination of his Spirit. First he breathed light, upon the face of the matter or chaos; then he breathed light, into the face of man; and still he breatheth and inspireth light, into the face of his chosen. The poet6, that beautified the sect7, that was otherwise inferior to the rest, saith yet excellently well: It is a pleasure, to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea; a pleasure, to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle, and the adventures thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth (a hill not to be commanded, and where the air is always clear and serene), and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below; so always that this prospect be with pity, and not with swelling, or pride. Certainly, it is heaven upon earth, to have a man’s mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. To pass from theological, and philosophical truth, to the truth of civil business; it will be acknowledged, even by those that practise it not, that clear, and round dealing, is the honor of man’s nature; and that mixture of falsehoods, is like alloy in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it. For these winding, and crooked courses, are the goings of the serpent; which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet. There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false and perfidious. And therefore Montaigne saith prettily, when he inquired the reason, why the word of the lie should be such a disgrace, and such an odious charge? Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God, and a coward towards men. For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man. Surely the wickedness of falsehood, and breach of faith, cannot possibly be so highly expressed, as in that it shall be the last peal, to call the judgments of God upon the generations of men; it being foretold, that when Christ cometh, he shall not find faith upon the earth. Note 1. Loving. Note 2. The Skeptics Note 3. Latin, windy and rambling Note 4. Restricts Note 5. Lucian. Note 6. Lucretius Note 7. Epicureans. Analysis As a pragmatic and as an empirical thinker Bacon subscribed to the fundamental Renaissance ideals—Sepantia (search for knowledge) and Eloquentia (the art of rhetoric). Here in the essay Of Truth he supplements his search for truth by going back to the theories of the classical thinkers and also by taking out analogies from everyday life. It is to be noted here that his explication of the theme is impassioned and he succeeds in providing almost neutral judgements on the matter. Again, it is seen that Bacon’s last essays, though written in the same aphoristic manner, stylistically are different in that he supplied more analogies and examples to support or explain his arguments. As this essay belongs to the latter group, we find ample analogies and examples. Bacon, while explaining the reasons as to why people evade truth, talks of the Greek philosophical school of sceptics, set up by Pyrro. Those philosophers would question the validity of truth and constantly change thei r opinions. Bacon says that now people are like those philosophers with the important difference that they lack their force and tenacity of argument. He says that like him the Greek philosopher Lucian was equally puzzled at the fact that people are more attracted to lies and are averse to truth. Bacon is surprised by the fact that people are loathed to find out or even acknowledge truth in life. It seems to him that this is an innate human tendency to do so. He finds evidence in support of his arguments in the behaviour of the ancient Greek sceptics who used to question the validity of truth and would have no fixed beliefs. Bacon thinks that people behave like those philosophers. But he understands that they lack their strength of arguments. He then finds the Greek philosopher Lucian, while considering the matter, was equally baffled. Lucian investigated and found that poets like lies because those provides pleasure, and that businessmen have to tell lies for making profit. But he could not come to a definite conclusion as to why people should love lies. Bacon says that men love falsehood because truth is like the bright light of the day and would show up pomp and splendour of human life for what they are. They look attractive and colourful in the dim light of lies. Men prefer to cherish illusions, which make life more interesting. Bacon here gives an interesting analogy of truth and falsehood. He says that the value of truth is like that of a pearl, which shines best in the day-light, while a lie is like a diamond or carbuncle, which shines best producing varied rays in dim light of candles. He comes to the conclusion that people love falsehood because it produces imaginary pleasure about life. Bacon also examines the statement of one of the early Church authorities, which severely condemned poetry as the wine of the devils. Bacon here shows that even the highest art of man—poetry, is composed of lies. He seems to have compounded the two statements made by two early Christian thinkers. He agrees with St Augustine who criticized poetry as â€Å"the wine of error†, and with Hironymous, who condemned poetry as â€Å"the food of demons†. The equation is that, since the devil or Satan works by falsehood, lies are its food. Poetry tends to be Satanic because it resorts to falsehood while producing artistic pleasure. Bacon, however, makes a distinction here between poetic untruth and fascination with falsehood in everyday life. He thinks that poetic untruth is not harmful, as it does not leave lasting impressions on the mind and character of a person. On the other hand, the lies, which are embedded in the mind and control and regulate every thought and action of a person, are harmful. Bacon refers to the Epicurean doctrine of pleasure, beautifully expressed by the famous poet of that school, Lucretius, who considered the realization of truth to be the highest pleasure of life. Bacon says that the value of truth is understood by those who have experienced it. The inquiry, knowledge and the belief of truth are the highest achievements that human beings can pursue. He amplifies the matter by giving an analogy from the Bible. According to him, God created the light of the senses first so that men could see the world around them. The last thing he created, according to him, was the light of reason, that is, the rational faculty. Bacon here interestingly comments that, since he finished the work of Creation, God has been diffusing the light of His spirit in mankind. He supports his argument by referring to the Epicurean theory of pleasure beautifully expressed by Lucretius who held that there is no greater pleasure than that given by the realization of truth. The summit of truth cannot be conquered and there is tranquillity on this peak from which one can survey the errors and follies of men as they go through their trials; but this survey should not fill the watcher with pity and not with pride. The essence of heavenly life on this earth lies in the constant love of charity, an unshakable trust in God, and steady allegiance to truth. At the concluding section of the essay Bacon explains the value of truth in civil affairs of life. He is conscious of the fact that civil life goes on with both truth and falsehood. He feels that the mixture of falsehood with truth may sometimes turn out to be profitable. But it shows the inferiority of the man who entertains it. This is, he says, like the composition of an alloy, which is stronger but inferior in purity. He then compares this kind of way of life to that of a serpent, which is a symbol of Satan itself. Bacon finds a striking similarity between the crooked and mean devices adopted by people and the zigzag movements of a serpent. To clarify his point more clearly, Bacon quotes Montaigne who said that a man, who tells lies, is afraid of his fellow men but is unafraid of God who is all perceiving. Bacon concludes his arguments by saying that falsehood is the height of wickedness, and such that it will invite the wrath of God on Doomsday. Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

A Feeling of Accomplishment

I’ve always been a not so active person and didn’t like big changes. But this time I couldn’t do anything about it, I was going to high school. The first thing I noticed was that the school was very small and in a huge building. I had so many different teachers and they all asked for different stuff, but everything was normal. A new year, a new starting point in my life, and I had to become active. It took me a couple of months to realize that I had to try something new.There was an old man around his 50’s always walking around the hallway. His name was Mr. Rey .He use to wear formal clothes, brown dressing pants with a blue Civil Air Patrol shirt, and some black shoes. He seemed nice but I didn’t dare talking to him. Until one day, he came to my History class and gave us a speech about flight. It was just like a sleeping pill almost half of the class felt asleep and I was trying my best to stay awake. It was around two months later when some friends convinced me to join the flight program after school. The first few week I was absolutely lost, and plus I had to hear him tell me the same thing over and over again. Every day after class he told me about all the opportunities, activities and trips we had, and about how I was supposed to try my best. All this made me feel like I needed to understand what he was talking about during class, but it was harder then what it seemed like. I hated being the outsider, I felt dumb and the worst part was that I wanted to learn, but like they say â€Å"Everything is hard until you learn it, then it becomes easy†. Time passed by fast, I already had about five months in the program and it was time to try the real thing. After class Mr. Rey told me I was flying on the upcoming Saturday, all this made me feel nauseous. I just glanced at him and wanted to say no, but words didn’t come out my mouth. On my way home I asked myself how I had gone so far, why didn’t I quit when I felt dumb. Two days until Saturday and I was already freaking out. Everyone seemed happy about the news, and I just didn’t want to think about it. Friday night was awful, I couldn’t stop feeling the anxiety and my eyes just wouldn’t close.Unfortunately for me it was Saturday, and at 8:00am we arrived at Republic Air Port in Farmingdale. My hands could stop sweating and it all got worst when Mr. Rey said that girls go first. I packed my stuff ready and got into the piper. My hands suddenly stopped sweating, it was a strange feeling I never felt before. I took off and landed all by myself and actually did pretty good. When I was in the ground I couldn’t believe what I’ve done. I asked myself what had happened to the old me. Where was the shy and afraid to change girl? That’s when I realize Mr. Rey had changed me he always used to push me just a little further and further each time. That’s when I realized I was definitely not the same girl.Sometimes we think people have nothing to do with what we turn out to be, but I can truthfully tell you Mr. Rey changed my life. I fell more confident and am sure that if I set my mind to something at the end ill taste the sweet feeling of accomplishment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sales Management of Moneybank Liechtenstein Essay

Sales Management of Moneybank Liechtenstein - Essay Example Due to the changing market conditions, the research, that is presented in this essay should be carried out by the salespersons, which will provide information on the type of products of Moneybank Liechtenstein that to be launched. This essay also provides several setbacks, that may be faced by the sales employees. Products such as loans, should take the larger fraction in the advertising platforms. That is because due to the changing economies and global markets, clients will not be able to save much into their accounts. Additionally, some clients will require requesting new loans to help in boosting of their falling businesses. The researcher states that Moneybank Liechtenstein should take this market niche to focus on the loan products. Nevertheless, this can be achieved with a growth in customer relationship to the set goals. The goals to be set will be divided into two types of individual goals and team goals. Then, the goals will be set on a basis of the firm's success and then presented in this essay. Areas of weakness should be targeted prevent any weak spots where the competitor can take advantage. It is stated that setting of goals will help workers overcome the negatives that affect them during their working period. They have to be self-confident and sales driven in order to increase the customer base in the new branch. It is also concluded that such reviews should be used to assess an employee job performance and productivity. To obtain perfect results, the appraisal should be done periodically.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reading Response - Essay Example Global Context According to studies by scholars it is evident that there has been a global shift with regard to immigration integration. Back in the early 1970s there had been growing support for multiculturalism but however in the 1990s and 2000s the shift has become evident and people are proving to move away from multiculturalism and rather taking to cohesion and integration (Dekkers 189-205). We could use the example of Netherlands who at some point adapted one of the best forms of multiculturalism in the whole of Europe, and that was in the 1980s. However they started dropping the policies bit by bit in the early 1990s up to when it seemed impossible in the 2000s when the entire system was entirely dropped and came to be replaced with very harsh policies which can be termed as not far from old fashion assimilation. Multiculturalism has experienced no form of success ever in the Europe and with it has brought many serious consequences. The only way to handle this is by insisting to new comers to fully subject to their new identity. They should fully embrace the Dutch or British in terms of their social lives and if at all their ethnic identities are to be preserved then they should not be done so in public. The European verses the Canadian Model: Relationship and impact In Europe multiculturalism has been attributed to several ills such as isolation of immigrants, residential ghettoization discrimination against ethnic, increased stereotyping and others as stated in the case. However the perception of multiculturalism playing role to all these can be put up for debate since there exists no tangible evidence showing that the ills named above are more prevalent in countries who failed to adopt the multiculturalism policies (Hyman 1-14). Some views have been aired by several commentators’ and they can be summarized to reveal that multiculturalism has drastically failed in Europe leading to greater stereotyping, prejudice and greater segregation. Many Ca nadians also think that they may be immune to this issue but it is evident that this same issue is gradually emerging in Canada. The only remedy either being the abolition of the multiculturalism or post-cultureless. Canada had adopted an assimilationist approach to ethnic groups that carried the hope of having the immigrants to fully assimilate to the pre-existing mainstream culture and still hoped that with time they would be fully absorbed and become indistinguishable. In around 1971 there was the adoption of the multiculturalism policy and the main goals included assisting all Canadian cultural groups having demonstrated full desire and effort to continue to develop a capacity to grow and offer contributions to Canada, to promote creative encounters among all Canadian groups and assisting immigrants to fully acquire the rights to participate in the Canadian society by learning at least one Canadian official language. There is an area where multiculturalism seems to overlap and t his concerns racism and discrimination. Although the aboriginal people are not counted as visible minorities, they are still clear victims of racism. Within the category of visible minorities there are important differences in the nature of the nature of the types of racism they is also believed that anti-black racism is far much different from the type of racism faced by the visible minorities. If we tried to take a look at the statistics