Monday, August 12, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reading Response - Essay Example Global Context According to studies by scholars it is evident that there has been a global shift with regard to immigration integration. Back in the early 1970s there had been growing support for multiculturalism but however in the 1990s and 2000s the shift has become evident and people are proving to move away from multiculturalism and rather taking to cohesion and integration (Dekkers 189-205). We could use the example of Netherlands who at some point adapted one of the best forms of multiculturalism in the whole of Europe, and that was in the 1980s. However they started dropping the policies bit by bit in the early 1990s up to when it seemed impossible in the 2000s when the entire system was entirely dropped and came to be replaced with very harsh policies which can be termed as not far from old fashion assimilation. Multiculturalism has experienced no form of success ever in the Europe and with it has brought many serious consequences. The only way to handle this is by insisting to new comers to fully subject to their new identity. They should fully embrace the Dutch or British in terms of their social lives and if at all their ethnic identities are to be preserved then they should not be done so in public. The European verses the Canadian Model: Relationship and impact In Europe multiculturalism has been attributed to several ills such as isolation of immigrants, residential ghettoization discrimination against ethnic, increased stereotyping and others as stated in the case. However the perception of multiculturalism playing role to all these can be put up for debate since there exists no tangible evidence showing that the ills named above are more prevalent in countries who failed to adopt the multiculturalism policies (Hyman 1-14). Some views have been aired by several commentators’ and they can be summarized to reveal that multiculturalism has drastically failed in Europe leading to greater stereotyping, prejudice and greater segregation. Many Ca nadians also think that they may be immune to this issue but it is evident that this same issue is gradually emerging in Canada. The only remedy either being the abolition of the multiculturalism or post-cultureless. Canada had adopted an assimilationist approach to ethnic groups that carried the hope of having the immigrants to fully assimilate to the pre-existing mainstream culture and still hoped that with time they would be fully absorbed and become indistinguishable. In around 1971 there was the adoption of the multiculturalism policy and the main goals included assisting all Canadian cultural groups having demonstrated full desire and effort to continue to develop a capacity to grow and offer contributions to Canada, to promote creative encounters among all Canadian groups and assisting immigrants to fully acquire the rights to participate in the Canadian society by learning at least one Canadian official language. There is an area where multiculturalism seems to overlap and t his concerns racism and discrimination. Although the aboriginal people are not counted as visible minorities, they are still clear victims of racism. Within the category of visible minorities there are important differences in the nature of the nature of the types of racism they is also believed that anti-black racism is far much different from the type of racism faced by the visible minorities. If we tried to take a look at the statistics

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