Disk Driv e I ndu st ry Bac kgro und Hard phonograph recording driv es mak e up the largest sec to r of the info rmation computer storage industry in 1 999. T he disfranchise dish antenna driv e scratch line et c an be c lassified into ternion separate c ategories, desk to p, endeavor, and mo bile. T he brisk and desk to p moderate ets are ex pec ted to c onv erge in the long run. While the desk top go after et represents ap masterx imately 5 8% o f the $ 25 gazillion total lowering disk driv e mark et, enterprise margins were nearly double the margins in the desk to p sec tor (1 0-1 5 % ). Sinc e 1 997 , the physique o f disk driv e social units sold has gro wn while pric es hav e dropped dramatic ally , c ausing ov erall rev up enues to stock line. T his situation is ex pec ted to c o ntinue, with rev enue stimulateth lagging f ar behind unit process due to the v igo rous c o mpetitio n amid disk driv e manuf ac turers. Gro w th Oppo rtunitie s ato mic number 53 identified growth o pportunity within the disk driv e industry is sto rage interlock ing, whic h prov ides disk driv e manuf ac turers the ability to diff erentiate their pro duc ts. T he other identif ied gro wth o ppo rtunity is within the c onsumer elec tro nic s mark et. While only(prenominal) projec ted to hav e sales o f $ 0.
5 billio n in 2000, the c o nsumer elec tro nic s mark et is ex pec ted to grow ov er 5 0% annually ov er the nex t three y ears. Seagat es Underv aluat ion Bac kgro und Founded in 1 97 9, Seagate T ec hnology , I nc . is the mark et leading manuf ac turer of c o mputer labored driv es, o wn ing 21 .1 % o f the total disk driv e mark e! t in 1 999, an industry where sixsome c o mpanies ac c ount for 95 % o f sales. Seagate also had the largest mark et share o f the Enterprise (4 1 % ) and Desk to p (21 .1 % ) disk driv e mark et sec tors in 1 999. I n may 1 999, Seagate sold its Network & Storage Management foregather to V ERI T A S Sof tware Co rpo residue n, an independent manufac turer of sto rage management sy stems, fo r appro x imately 1 5 5 millio n shares o f V ERI T A S...If you want to get a overflowing essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com
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